Answer are in red. Psiit, you don't need to be worry, we respect all and each others !! If there's something you don't want to do, nobody will force you to do it. There's some people that will judge, but those folks will never be back to TTR. We only have one life to live, so I'll say just do what you're confy with. =) but it's nice to be pass our limit sometime =) :cheerleaders:
Pack what you know you'll be comfortable wearing...and then also pack the things you believe you'll be too shy to wear (they won't take up much room). See what happens once you're hanging out at Paty'Os with your new friends...who are all wearing sexy theme outfits, or just sexy dresses, short skirts, lingerie, plunging necklines and sheer tops. I'll bet that before the night's over, you'll be hustling back up to your room changing and feeling thankful you brought the things you didn't think you'd wear.
For your first trip you may not feel like participating in anything... just people watch.. that's when the amazing thing happens... and sometimes that's all it takes.. watching, you will see for yourself not everyone is a 10... which makes you feel a bit more secure about yourself, if you decide you don't want to participate in the themes nothing says you have to and you won't be left out... if you don't want to be... Some people for their first visit want to sit on the side lines, or be just wall flowers.. get the lay of the land.. and then the next trip.. well that maybe a different story... I think that is what most people are saying.. be comfortable enjoy.. :lotsofmichaelfs:
I know on my 1st trip it took me 2 hours to take off my bathing suit top. Some girls have said 20 mins. It's whatever you are comfortable with or without. Just remember Temptations theme~ No one knows you~ No one gives a SHIT!! You may never see them again...Be freee to do whatever makes you h HAPPY!!
Do what you feel comfortable doing. Don't push her....she'll get there herself (okay sometimes tequila works). LOL What I find most amazing now is that I don't want to wear a bathing suit top anywhere! So uncomfortable, however, in the states it's a necessary evil. Not to mention, family and kids def frown on it!!!! lol
It's all about your comfort level. I was shy our first trip, second trip we brought a lot less clothes and I packed some racy outfits we are making our third trip and its gonna be a party!
Everyone's answers seem to pretty much say the same, so you KNOW its true. Last year was my first visit, and I was nervous too. You won't ever be pressured to do anything. I, myself, opted to keep my top on (for the most part) while at the resort, but set the girls free on the Boobs Cruise. No one ever pressured me or made any comments about not participating. Trust me, these are some of the most fun, laid back people you'll ever meet! -Carrie
This being only my 2nd time and as a single woman, here's my 2 cents... Does the wife have to go topless if she doesn't want too or will she pressured. ~ absolutely not, i never did. you decide what you're comfortable with. Do we have to join in theme nights every night or can we just go to Paty O's and mingle in without people commenting. ~ i never did, but this time around i may bring 1 or 2, just in case i feel like it And last of all can we sit around the sexy pool if you dont want to join in the party games all the time. ~ absolutely, if you can get a chair! i found after a few days, i was on the beach, but that's just me. Thanks sorry but the wife still slightly nervous ~ your main squeeze has nothing to be worried about. just relax and enjoy your vacation!