We live in FLA and can tell you that after mid Aug hurricane season starts to peak. As always no named storms yet however that can change at a seconds notice. Try insurance preferably with your own carrier and not travel service you are using. Good luck !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We will surely get an insurance. Let's hope the weather will be good. 99.99% we'll hit Temptation for end of Aug beginning of Sept! Miss already shop for the theme night!
If it rains, move the party inside for a while.....if a hurricane is coming, head to anyplace but there The only nice thing about a hurricane is you have plenty of warning before it hits.
Travelling can be a lot of fun and a great experience. It is a chance for people to experience different cultures, see new sights, meet new people, and catch up with family and friends.
Last year they predicted a very bad hurricane season but overall it turned out pretty calm so we don't cary much for these hurricane predictions (but we always check them out as well:icon_cool: