Keith you do this every year! You're going to have to come up with something that sounds a bit more realistic next year
That was so damn funny! Lol.. I actually was believing it while reading it , saying to myself WTF?? Then I caught on and laughed my ass off I was thinking while I was reading it, why didn't Steve or Janet post anything about this LOL good one my man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I too was a "hook line and sinker". Keith we owe you. Well at least you KNOW we read your posts. That's was a lot of typing get A+ for effort! Now you owe everyone a shot!
Damn you Keith! I totally fell for it you bastard. Had my heart rate up until Ali & Andrew pointed it out... I'm ashamed to be so gullible. You owe us a shot too... By the way, did you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary, or the that Adolf Hitler's middle name is Jeremy, or that cats can smell the color purple? :aktion054:
I saw "Group Rooms" and was thinking hmmm, like what 2 or 3 king sized beds all pushed together? 2 seconds later my brain went to Nah, that can't possibly work with more than 1 girl sharing a single bathroom..... Where will they put all their goops and hair stuff. Then I read Bunk Beds and thought - some girl is going to knock herself out cold going cowgirl. A Temptation Hostel? What was someone thinking? Man that's a dumb idea ---- OH! Yep, you got me too.
Of course it was an April Fools Day Prank. The real email we got mentioned 4 hammocks stacked on top of each other with suitable holes cut out in 'significant' places. Also there was a some mention of an automated winch or was it wench for easy to make adjustments! Now that sounds believable!
Just read this one now and was thinking to myself WTF why would they do that. I also thought how come I hadn't heard of this, I started to scroll down and once I hit the post by Andrew asking if anyone had seen the date did I scroll back up and go that's a good one...