"New Immigration Regulations"

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: I have all the stuff required, but INM hasn't completed my "work allowance"(in lack of the proper term??), so the issue is time, rather than anything else.

    Since its on behalf of INM, Im hoping they realize that its in THEIR hands, haha.

    Ive done my part, and so has the company. Its all up to INM, and thats what scares me, considering the previous 4 years of BS. ;)

    Its a "bit" sh*tty that I cant get the new visa - Ill be like a month or two short of it, right? INM could have a system similar to New Zealand, where they can extend the visa, bit by bit, just like in this case, to squeeze me in the new program.
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Frankly, Rawkus, it doesn't matter when the FM3 "runs out" as long as you have an application to renew it pending, or an application for an FM2 to replace it pending with INM. Either way, you've got status in the country, and no immigration problem.
  3. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: ...with a small detail: My new visa is not yet applied for, as INM are still dealing with the "cambio de actividad", which is just a branch-off from my expiring FM3.

    The lawyer is dealing with it, and it seems it all caught INM with their pants down: They haven declared how they will move on from there, haha.

    If I scrap this "cambio de actividad" to hand in the switch to FM2, I will not only lose out on 6 weeks of waiting(INM stated it will take 2 weeks, maximum...) but also 1400 pesos...

    I dont think there will be any issues, but its interesting to hear that they themselves have no clue how to move on... 3 days to go, haha.
  4. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    OK, if I understand it, you have neither an application for renewal nor an application for an FM2 pending, at this time.

    I hate to point it out, but timely submitting either of these (before the expiration of the current FM3) is not the duty of INM, and it's not the INM that risks getting caught "with pants down."

    If I had all the paperwork together for the application for the FM2, including the employer's letter offering the work, I wouldn't hesitate to submit it, and do that before the current FM3 runs out.

    To do otherwise is just to invite more trouble.
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: Shame on me for leaving it up to a lawyer. :)

    When I started the process with this company, INM were the ones that said that there was still sufficient amount of time to do the "cambio de actividad", as it was supposed to take 2 weeks. Im now on the 7th week.

    Now it seems that neither INM nor the lawyer knows how to do my change to FM2, whilst the "cambio de actividad" is still being processed.

    I submitted all that I needed to do, and so did the lawyer - the ones that have NOT done their part, is INM. Its that simple.

    Maybe they should stop guaranteeing the time it takes, and just dish out an "2-XX weeks"?
  6. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Something tells me you don't really believe this.
    ...with no application for a renewal of the expiring FM3, or application for an FM2 to replace it pending, I would be too.

    There's a lot of forgiveness in the system that INM operates, so I don't think anything bad is going to happen to you, but challenging the system- rather than just turning in the required applications on time- seems like jousting at windmills, to me.

    Since no one has asked for an FM2, what´s to figure out? Submit the application for the FM2, on time, and they can start doing just that.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: I had 2 months left on my current FM3. We submitted everything and got the regular "check online" answer.

    INM said that 8 weeks is more than sufficient, as this process takes "2 weeks, maximum".

    Havent had to resubmit anything.

    The 6 weeks both I, the lawyer and INM counted with, would have been more than enough time to submit my change from FM3 to FM2. That was before INM decided that 2 weeks equals +7 weeks.

    The lawyer has, understandably, been at the INM office daily since last week, but havent got any other answer than "its being processed".

    The issue now is that when Saturday the 8th comes, my current FM3(the one with the branching-off in process), expires, and that INM havent been able to tell us how they will deal with it.

    I hold them responsible, as they are the ones that so far added 5 extra weeks, and have gotten me into this stressing situation.

    Tomorrow Im making a phone call to the head office in DF, to file another complaint, in case they dont give me an answer before lunch time.

    From what I understand, they have to bridge my "work allowance" to my upcoming FM2, but they have so far NOT accepted the application for the FM2, since the "cambio" still hasnt been completed.

    The option I got was to cancel the cambio, apply for my FM2, and THEN redo the "cambio de actividad", which means losing out on the job, wasting several months and a lot of cash...

    Edit: My application for the cambio was submitted on the 4th of August... My current FM3 runs out on the 8th of October. 2 weeks from the 4th of August is hardly the 5th of October, right? ;)

    INM said it was "too early" to apply for the FM2 that far ahead, and that they wouldnt be able to process the "cambio" whilst processing the new FM2 application.
  8. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    So, listening to THEM, and doing what THEY told both me and the lawyer, is equal to "challenging the system"..?

    Wouldnt I be challenging the system by NOT doing what they told me?

    Maybe next time I should step inside and say: "Hey, you're all wrong. THIS is how its done." :D
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    It's not clear from this whether you have or have not been working, and getting paid, up to this point. If you have, where's the rub in going to the FM2, immediately? If not, where's the rub in going to the FM2, immediately?

    It's this insistence on getting a cambio completed on an expiring FM3 that is the waste of time and effort: apply for the FM2 and you immediately get the right to work because you're married to a Mexican- plus, you eliminate the need for any further cambios de actividades, here's why...

    The following quote appeared on this thread:
    And, Gringation today confirmed that my impression of the significance of this language was correct, that it was tantamount to a blanket authorization to work. Those subject to this rule need merely report their work to INM, rather than go through a process to get permission to work; it's a night and day difference.

    It could be that your lawyer has a different take on the subject.
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: The work allowance has already been paid for, so if I cancel it, i will lose out on 1400 pesos, not to mention 7 weeks of waiting.

    I do understand that the FM2 doesnt need the stupid "cambio"(thanks Gringation!), but it doesnt help me right now, as the wait for a new FM2 would be longer than the remainder of the process of the work allowance...

    So, either I wait another week or two, or scrap it, throw 1400 in the bin, and kindly sit down and wait for the new FM2, meaning that the company will say "no thank you" to a further couple of months.

    It could be a unusual case, which I hope gives INM the chance to work out THOSE details in future cases.

    Thats what I meant about NZ´s immigration: They will "push" it for a short time, just to avoid these kind of situations.

    "Since no one has asked for an FM2, what´s to figure out? Submit the application for the FM2, on time, and they can start doing just that."
    - The point is that Im "stuck" right now, not thanks to me nor the lawyer, but thanks to INM saying 2 weeks instead of 7 weeks(so far...). The good thing is that I have all the copies(so does the lawyer) with signatures, INM employee numbers and dates etc. so IF a complaint will be filed tomorrow, the main office in DF will see who caused the delay.

    If it had been done on time, none of this would have happened.
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