New BBC channel on SKY

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by jen***, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    If anyone has SKY you may have this new channel too, it's BBC Entertainment channel 203. Not sure if it's a trial or if it's here to stay.
    So far I've seen Ab Fab, Little Britain, Grahem Norton show, The Restaurant, Gordan Ramsey, something about homes by the sea.
    I was really disappointed Little Britain was in Spanish as the rest of the shows seemed to be in Spanish but then I happened to catch a repeat in the evening which was in English yay!
  2. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    You mean the repeat of Little Britain was in English? My wife says it's so crap in Spanish, just doesn't compare and she has no idea how anyone that hasn't lived in England would completely get it. Was AbFab in English too, i got it in Spanish in the morning. I got really excisted about the channel, i'm sure it is here to stay, BBC is the worlds largest broadcaster so it's about time they had more channels here in Mexicp, just a real dissapoinment like you say that the English option doesn't work, it's not like they're not recorded in English, i think that's something to either do with BBC licensing rights or lazy Mexican Sky (probably the latter). However i did manage to catch Graham Norton last night and that was in English with subtitles, plus Matt mentioned Gordon Ramsays program had been in English but apart from that all i've seen is Spanish. Plus such a shame that CBeebies is only in Spanish, was hoping my daughter would get a proper English TV eduction! Lol!

    Might be a good idea for people to let us know if they've caught any other programs in English on that channel so we can look out for them, for those of us that aren't quite fluent enough to understand TV programs! Which is probably good as it saves me from understanding such crap as Cuidado Con El Angel (Azteca!), that i am often forced to watch, pictures are enough, trust me!! Nothing like a good Mexican soap for Drama, is there!!!! :roll:
  3. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Dancing with the Stars is currently on and in English but i think it's American not an English program. One for you Matt! :wink:
  4. Susan in Cancun

    Susan in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0

    Graham Norton comes on VH1 (and has for quite some time) and it's in English. I think it's Thursday nights at 10 or 11pm....but I'm not 100% sure about that.
  5. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    Sorry I was walking, no rushing out the door when I wrote the post so the last line isn't clear (well I was getting out of work)!

    Little Britain in the morning was in Spanish and then later on at night it was in English - like at about 10pm I think.
    I've seen Ab Fab morning and night and it was in English.
    Gorden Ramsey, same story, in the day it was in Spanish and then English at night.
    The restaurant was in English and so was Fantasy Homes by the sea

    (I do go out sometimes, I don't sit at home in front of the box all day, honest)!

    I have noticed that they repeat the episodes over again, you can watch one programme one evening and then the next night it's the same one.

    Anyway, it's better than nowt!
  6. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Dancing with the Stars was on in English last night!
  7. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Cbeebies is also in English- my son and I have been singing the old favourites all week.
    Fantasy Homes by the sea was all about my home town Brighton this week and it did make me a tad homesick - though the prices of the homes were somewhat sickening also.
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    When we switched to Dish TV we downgraded our Sky subscription (mainly to keep the kids programmes, as Dish TV under delivers on that score) and we can't get the new BBC channel.

    However, if it is anything like BBC America the repeats might well do your head in after a while. I loved BBC America 2 months ago but now I have seen everything I want to and new programmes come along very rarely.
  9. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Have faith. New programmming begins in October. As with American television,the seasons have grown shorter. Series tv used to run between 19 and 22 shows per "season". Now, the networks rarely order more than 9 shows. The broadcast season used to start in September. Now, lots of shows don't kick off until mid to late October.

    With flat-set, 3 camera shows with little location shooting costing more than a million dollars per episode, the economics of tv production have greatly changed. Basically a show goes on the air at a net loss to the producers and network and doesn't begin to make money until reruns. Hence, make fewer episodes and rerun them to death.
  10. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think this past television season also suffered because of the writers' strike, a lot of shows didn't produce more than a handful of episodes. We were stuck with a tonne of reruns, forcing me to watch "Bailando por un Sueno". :)
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