New baby in! Cats, out!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jensey46, Jan 14, 2007.

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  1. Jensey46

    Jensey46 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Thanks to everyone with helpful advice... except jen***. No thanks to you, as your comments aren't kind or helpful like everyone else. Yes, pets are for life, blah blah blah. But the fact is, they're animals - and completely expendable. I just had a big hunk of one for dinner tonight. Mmm, stuck on a bun and slathered with ketchup. And I wouldn't ever even think about endangering my baby's life, or on a less drastic level, just its health, simply because someone on a cancun message board haughtily told me I should make changes to my own life and projected future just so this glorified piece-o-fur can stay at my home. But I *SO* do appreciate someone who doesn't know me from Adam, counselling me on how to put my cats above my wife's and child's safety. So if YOU'RE such a pet-lover, why don't you take these rascally lil kitties off our hands and show them that love-for-life concept you hold SO dear and buy them little golden collars and fish filets. Otherwise, they'll be fending for themselves this weekend, out in that wild jungle, where I drop them off.

    Now don't get me wrong, all the rest of you folks out there, I'm not a cold-hearted ba***rd, honestly. And truly, I'm a sweet guy at heart, and of course would never drop my little kitties off in the jungle... but come on - I didn't join this board here to get patronized and lectured on how I live me life?! Oh, spare me please. And in the grand scheme of things, my wife and child rate a 1000 in an importance scale of 1-10... and my cats rate at negative 23. So if there's the slightest .001% chance they might get that little toxo-whatever-batpoop disease, they're out. So the offer stands, especially to the girl who holds pets so close she makes adjustments to her OWN life to accomodate them. That's the kind of home I want for Reese and Talon.


    ps- also, am I right in assuming there's nowhere to take them? As everyone just tells me to keep them, lol.
  2. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    Let's keep this discussion civil.

    No need to let it get out of hand.
  3. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yikes. I'm a little traumatized.

    I'd take the cats in a heartbeat but I have two already and a dog.

    I agree with everyone else including Jen (who I did not think was being viscious and mean but thats just my opinion) and I think that as long as you don't own a lion or a tiger, you, your wife and your child will live a happier and healthier life because of the cats.

    While I don't have a child, there was an issue with the dog getting into the kitty litter and I quickly solved that problem by buying an enclosed kitty litter box that I put on a little table so that the dog couldn't get into it. I also made a decision to not let my cats out AT ALL. For their safety, and everyone else's really. If you don't let them out....they won't get ticks, they won't get run over, they won't pick up some nasty disease and come back with a frothy mouth and spit on you.

    For me, pets are for life as well. Even if one of them chews 5 pairs of shoes or another decides to bite through my brand new blinds. Heck, even if they scratch my eyeball because I assumed that a cat likes to take a bath or that once you give a dog a bone, you simply can't just take it back.

    All of the responses you got from people were because they truly love their animals as part of the family.

    If you want to get rid of them because you simply made a mistake and don't want them that's fine. But just like people don't like seeing a street dog get kicked, they also don't want two well taken care of kitties displaced.

    Yes, we are saying there are very very few options here for your kits which is why we recommend you keep them.
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Drama in "Life in Cancun", can it be true?. I'm going to lock this one because I think both camps minds are firmly set and unlikely to change by anyone adding to the thread.

    Moreso than any other forum we have, lets not forget that we all live within a couple of miles of each other and we should try to get along.

    It's a long shot but try the new classifieds site at If anyone can help out with the cats then please PM or email Jensey46.
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