The last 3 trips to TTR we only left for a downtown T Shirt run. We even take a taxi back to shorten the time we are off the resort. I know there are things to do off resort...just have never done any of them. Jeff n Jill
That far for shirts, between the gift shop and the 2 little shops down across from the playboy casino I filled my quota. lol
We were first timers in March and it was the best vacation ever !!! I had a few reservations before going but that lasted about a minute...we had a freaking blast !!! We only left the resort once and that was for Steve's Boob cruise...which I highly recommend...sooo much fun artytime: Go have fun and drink lots, as they say at TTR " nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit " Enjoy your trip...maybe we will see you there next year, we are definitely:lotsofmichaelfs: going to be repeat offenders...loved it !!!
Add an avatar and I'll add you to the May Roll Call and you can see the other 361 people from here going that month. See you there... Jamie
Will post avatar tomorrow, I work the midnight shift and am work now... But I feel like we will have a great time...
You will have a good time there. Most guests are repeat visitors. It's like a spring break for grownups.