Im just about recovering and promise to write up a review on my trip but thinking about it and looking out of the window is making me more depressed, I need another trip to Cancun as the 7 days I had was not enough, im wondering if they is such a thing as budget or "cheap" hotel all inclusive or not im not bothered as I know lots of places to eat around but It has to be in april or may or june even, I need to visit again because im quite depressed to be honest. Us they a way to get a separate flight and hotel? Im new to traveling and my last trip I paid £800 all inclusive at Dos playas but 7 days is never enough, thanks guys and girls John
We stay here, for 30 USD a night. Not to rub it in but we leave in 24 days!! Its right next to the bus depot downtown. Or there are hostels if that would be something you would be interested in.
24 DAYS? :shock: thats a long holiday, just thinking about makes me very sad because outside the window its dull and horrid. Having said that that hotel looks like something that would suit me for about 2 weeks, do you know if the prices would change come april may time? and how much is the breakfast in the hotel because I cant do anything on a hungry stomach, thanks for the link you been a great help to me John
John, I wish we were going for 24 days. We are leaving in 23 days for 10 days. The hotel does not have a restaurant, but just down the street is a wonderful restaurant that has very cheap meals. Its called Tapatio (sp?) at the intersection of Uxmal and Yaxchilan. I would eat breakfast there almost daily. There are so many restaurants in this area so you will have no trouble finding something to fill the tummy. The rooms have A/C a TV and bath, nothing special but the rooms are made up daily and the folks who run it are great. Hope you can find flights and a room. You can make reservations on line at their web site. Tom
Grand Royal Laggon is a basic hotel within the hotel zone facing the lagoon. It is very cheap and nothing fancy but is the closest to the prices you get downtown and still you are in the hotel zone. It has a pool and a cheap restaurant with cheap beer.
Go to Playa Del Carmen. It's a lot nicer, and there are a ton of small "boutique" hotels that are pretty cool-and cheap. Prices range from $50-100 a night & they are right in the middle of everything. Don't worry about availability-they all have it (unfortunately)
Sorry for the delay buddy, That Hotel you pointed out looks ideal from what ive seen on the website. as you said they is a restaurant nearby and stuff, do you know how far it is from the airport because I will be looking for 14 day stay this time, and is it safe to keep passports etc.. locked in the room? thanks buddy for that you been a great help
Any idea approx how much a 14 night stay would cost there inclusive or not it dosent bother me. Just need somewhere cheap and cheerful for 2 weeks as I can eat out and know the Place
No problem John!! Liked your review and hope you can swing it to get back to Cancun. I didnt think that you were that much of a drinker . I am not much of a drinker at home but Cancun does something to make you want that Tequila!!(lol I always seem to have a few nights of not remembering problems too :wink: ) The hotel is safe and if you want they do have safes behind the front desk I think its a few dollars a day for one. We have never used one and have NEVER had anything missing from our room and never heard of anyone having any problems at the Alux. My wife keeps all our papers in her purse (a crowbar cant get that purse away from her). We tip the maids well. Again thanks for the review and hope you get to Cancun again soon. Take care my overseas buddy! Tom Oh its about the same distance to downtown as the Hotel Zone, about 20-30 minute drive. By the way with the strong exchange rate it is only about 25 USD a night at that hotel. More fun money!!!
Hey Gonzo, thanks for the info, yea Im not a big drinker at home but when in Mexico I was on the Tequilas and boy do I miss em, Tequilas do not taste the same as they do in Mexico Can you tell me how far the Hotel is from the airport and from Coco bongo and the clubs etc.. because more than likely I will be using the buses again as I recall them being very cheap compared to taxis. I also want to know if they provide transfers from the airport or do I need to book them elsewhere? About that restaurant you mentioned how expensive is it? because I will be eating at least 3-4 times a day and I want to keep my protein levels up Steaks, chicken etc.. as I will not be going all inclusive im trying to work out a budget for 14 days, plus I want to go coco bongo again, senior frogs, daddy os etc... and isla mujahares and other stuff so Im trying to work out how much to bring, last time when I went I took about 500 dollars and came back with 100 so it was good value bearing in mind it was all inclusive. Thanks buddy I really do hope I return in the next month or so because I so badly miss the beautiful beach Back to work for me lunch break over, 30 mins is never enough :cry: