Well as some of you already know im sending in my applications for the navy, i have spoken to one of the officers here and have chosen a career id like to look into obviously its not all set in stone, because theres tests and all sorts to do but im looking at going in as a marine engineer but youll all be glad to know my cancun trip wont be effected i told him i have booked a holiday and hes told me i wont join until 2 days after my vacation its a big move but ill end up having a better life and its been on my mind for some time and ive spoken and found out enough details for me to feel this may be a great move and a big turning point in my life. the job itself will intail plumbing and heating, carpentry, refridgeration, electrics and hydraulics, a basic way of sayin i keep the ships moving and operating, i actually will go in with a large amount of pay and if i join any type of team like the surf team they do adventure training like theyll go away to california for a few months to just surf so it all sounds pretty good for everyone who already knew thankyou for the support and fingers crossed that all goes well
Never mind a marine engineer from what I've read on the other thread I think you should go for the position of ' Ships Barrell Boy ' :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: PS. Good luck with your career in the gayest of the armed services :lol:
HAHAHAHA thankyou mate ill take that all as a comliment as i know you nor the most subtle of folk :lol:
oi hoy hoy sailor good move i applied for the navy too, to be a logistics or IS officer ... my apps going through at the moment, is taking ages though coz the recruituing officer keeps changing! good luck with it all though, there are a shed load of forms to fill out lol
It's good that you want to pursue a Navy career, BUT I thought you said you're heading to the States for the job jnasty got you. What happened ????
the job wud have taken 10mnths to follow through and the manager wasnt having it and franco that measn if it all goes through at once u n me might be at hms raleigh together hahhahahaha!
im not at all scared to be honest quite excited i get to do somethng for my country and if iraq pops up il be like 400 miles away pressing buttons and shooting from there lol fingers crossed it doesnt pop up though but thankyou for all the support