Navigating Immigration, Cancun

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: Went back today, and it was the same story, all over again.. "Come back tomorrow". That does it. I already contacted Mauricio as my patience with INM is completely gone, haha :)

    What they did was to misspell my name, "Mikael" became "Michael" and that meant I had to redo half of the process. Come to think of it, they also misspelled my wife`s name. They switched an "a" for an "e" in her name...

    Went they typed up and printed my "file", I noticed it and told them right away... I dont know how they managed, since my application form has the correct spelling and my wife`s IFE card has her correct spelling..

    V, your form/process might be different? Mine is "Dependiente Economico".

    They then managed to lose 4 documents that THEY had in THEIR office... I promise, I didnt break and enter to destroy my own documents at midnight ;)

    This, along with giving absolutely jacksh*t worth of info, does it. Have to fly out of Mexico, and being sent back, once every day, wont speed this along at all.

    A Canadian I spoke to today(at INM), said that they do still make people run around like headless chickens, every now and then. Guess I was the "lucky one", eh? ;)

    Once this gets sorted, Ill be fine.

    EDIT: The misspelling started on the document where they declared that they needed 3(or 4?) documents to be resubmitted. Still - they had the names and copies of the ID`s, but still managed to misspell them both ;)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  2. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Scorpio: Mikael is my middle name, haha :)

    I kinda need it to exit the country, sadly enough. Im going to go for a few months, and my visa was finishing before I was going to travel.

    And no, Im not settling here... Maybe when I retire(although I highly doubt that I want "Cancun" even then ;))

    The horror stories where actually more accurate a few years ago, when they openly both asked me for "cash in hand" AND ripped my application in pieces when I refused to hand them cash...

    This time it has been better, but obviously far from perfect :D

    So: Renewing it so I can get out for several months, and later come back for a bit :) Sounds strange, huh? Haha.

    Mexico is not for me - I knew this a few years ago, but I still LOVE to learn new things in life, such as having "near 90%" Spanish, learning to appreciate a good system(like at home) and appreciating the little things...

    All in all, a great experience in many ways, but also sh*t in even more ways, BUT: The stuff one learns from bad experiences are invaluable. ;)
  3. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    I've been helped through the processes more than hindered by the staff, but it's easy to notice that a few of them are not the brightest bulbs on the string. Remarkable that with the correct spelling on your supporting documents, and in your application, someone took it upon themselves to make changes to what had been input by you, and made errors in what they themselves had to enter on the computer. Even the slow ones know that in Mexico, as elsewhere, getting the details right the first time is extremely important in bureaucratic processes, like these.

    Sorry this happened to you, and spoiled your efforts.
  4. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: Why didnt they just copy+paste from the file to the "requisitios" paper..?

    Just seems too simple to mess up.
  5. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Our renewal for the family took 2 months from start to finish- no immigration lawyer involved or paid for and it all went smoothly. Yes the queue outside in the heat was a pain in arse but apart from that it was fine.
    I have friends that have been here 13 years on FM3s and now FM2 and they have told me the Playa office is much more efficient and less frustrating.
    good luck all
  6. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    @Scorpio: Oh, if I could have left "just like that", I would have, trust me ;)

    The issue is that my FM3 would have expired when I was on my trip, meaning that I would have been fined once returning to Mexico...

    And since its fairly unclear if I am coming back for a longer period or not, I absolutely REFUSE to do it all from scratch again(apply for a NEW FM3...).

    Stupid rules? You betcha! :)

    Yes, I am married to a Mexican citizen, but Im still in the same squeeze... I spoke to Mauricio about this a year ago, and he also recommended to extend the FM3 and then leave, rather than coming back and doing it all again, and at the same time losing the years I had previously collected... Ugh.... Hahaha.

    Regarding fish and fruits: I had the best(and cheapest!) fish tacos in DF... ;)

    Since they decided to kill the mangrove at the start of the Hotel Zone, prices will go up as they literally eliminated a HUGE breeding area for fish and crustaceans... But, at least there will be even more empty high-rises in Puerto Cancun, thats always something to be proud about. :icon_mrgreen:
  7. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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  8. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    Yesterday I just realized that my birthdate is wrong on my FM3.

  9. Isla Zina

    Isla Zina Regular Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Migracion can fix that...with the proper documentation. But your CURP and everything else is dependant on that date, like your taxpayer Id (RFC). I had an error in my CURP that I didn't catch for a year or so and had to get a new CURP, present it to SAT for a new RFC, and then go to every payee to correct it for my facturas, not to mention reprinting my own factura blanks. Big pain in the butt!
  10. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    Isla Zina - Luckily this is a new error! My birthdate was correct on my previous FM3 (and CURP)... it wasn't until I got the new FM3 card a few months ago that the date was wrong.

    Still, a trip to immigration is never a good thing.

    Wouldn't it be great if I could just walk in, hand them my card and passport, tell them the error, get a new card and walk out?
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