Navigating Immigration, Cancun

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Rawkus, you´re covered! That document they gave you which identifies your case for renewal is all you need to show you're lawfully in the country. However, it does not give you permission to leave the country. For that, you'd need the "permiso de salida y regreso" if you have to go abroad before you get your new FM3.

    As for time, it's anybody's guess. Since your permission to work is continuing, the time they take doesn't become much of an issue unless you need to exit, as my wife did. We found it necessary to prod them when it had been about two months and still no action, and went in prepared to complain unless they produced. They did. (Hers was an FM3 Visitante Rentista.)
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Rawkus, or T.J., anything new to report? How's the first time, do-it-yourself, working out?
  3. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: Hey buddy.

    Mine is on its way. Just got the notice a few days ago to report to a INM office.

    Just have to go there and set an appointment, then once I know, pay for the thing and get photos.

    T.J. gave me some helpful pointers as well :)

    I havent been yet, as Im waiting for funds(should come by tomorrow..) and I didnt want to risk getting the final appointment before I can actually pay for it, hehe.
  4. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    My official "appointment" is tomorrow (Wed) at 9 am.

    I took my airline reservation confirmation a few days ago, and told them it sure would be less work for them (and for me) not to have to get the last minute permit to leave Mexico. After a 20 minute wake, the gentleman came back, handed me a handwritten one paragraph letter and a blank sheet of paper. Told me to copy it and come back to the head of the line, which I did. He pointed to a lady at the rear right corner of the public area and told me I would receive an appointment a few days out. So the 10th it was and she hand wrote me at the top of the list, ahead of #1 on the list.

    They tried to explain to me about the fotos and how to pay the $1,294 and I kept telling them that I had my fotos and had paid the bank and had my receipt and fotos in my possession. They wanted to see them but would not accept them, that happening tomorrow God willing. Or "Insh Allah" as we say in Arabic.

    Could be a fun day. Let's hope so anyway.

    I will be there with bells on and report back. Rawkus and I have been communicating privately off the board about our escapades and strategies.
  5. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
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    no inmigrante a inmigrante

    Good work, T.J. and Rawkus!

    My FM3 came up for its first renewal, recently, and I decided to see if they would agree to change my "calidad" from "no inmigrante a inmigrante".

    INM was busy the morning I went, and what looked like one of the more senior officials was there, helping out at the reception of documents desk. He was wearing a uniform, rather than street clothes, and had an air of authority about him.

    I explained I'd been here a year on the FM3 and would like to become an immigrant. He asked a question or two to confirm what I was requesting, then demanded a number of documents, all of which I had with me. They included things like proof of employment and income, a statement of account from the bank into which my wages are paid, copies of my monthly tax declarations, and evidence of taxes paid on income from contract work I've done here. The conversation took place entirely in Spanish, which I had decided to use throughout in light of what I was requesting.

    He told me to check online in about ten days to see what their decision was in the case; but, since it's my impression that they screen the cases at intake, I took his accepting my paperwork as a good sign.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  6. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    It's been three weeks, and I'm planning to go tomorrow to ask INM for permission to leave and return; or, for them to complete the process of converting my FM3 status to FM2 in time for me to leave the country on the new document. I don't expect any trouble, either way.

    T.J. has not yet told us how his process turned out, trying a "do it yourself" approach for the first time: Rawkus, also, has a story to tell, I suspect- good, I hope.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  7. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    FM3 to FM2

    Yeah, I got it! I was told today that my request to change status from no inmigrante to inmigrante had been approved.

    Anyone who can manage to avoid any plans to travel within about eight weeks after submitting their paperwork to INM, will be doing the poor people who work there a big favor- they are literally dying under the work load.

    I've never seen the offices so full, not the staff looking busier than they have the last few times I've been in there. The scheduling clerk, when I explained I needed to leave the country on 8 Dec, and everything would have to be finished before then (you cannot, it turns out, get permission to leave while a change of "calidad" is being processed) said, "Oh, senor, you cannot imagine what you are doing to us," but then, in good Mexican fashion, went ahead with trying to help me by scheduling my appointment between now, and then.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  8. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    I did pick up my new FM3 (card) on the date promissed, which was the day after my "appointment". The wait each time I went there was minimal. They tossed a couple of minor obstacles in my way but gave me not only the problem, but the solution.

    They did NOT mention that translated bank statements were no longer needed. I found this out by hearing another applicant say that hers were not translated and she was told that translations were no longer required. Of course mine were done, but at a manageable cost, although I would prefer to have the money.

    What about Rawkus? Have you scored yet buddy?
  9. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Sorry for the long overdue update, haha :)

    I went back after getting my notice.

    I asked on the right hand side as you enter and the girl(half asleep...) told me to "go the left, as far as you can and get a number"...

    So, I got my number... The lucky number was 12, and 4(!!) hours later, they called out my number...

    Well, of course the girl gave me the COMPLETELY wrong instructions, as the place with the numbers is where you pick up your FM3...

    So, I had to return to the same girl on the right hand side, who said "oops, sorry." :D

    So, she finally pointed me to the correct "line", and it took 5 mins and then I was done.

    I got a letter, where I was required to return with three copies of stuff I had already submitted before... Viva Mexico....

    Went back with the copies, and then got the info to make the payment and to get photos.

    Submitted the payment plus receipt and the photos, but still NADA... Its been well over 3 weeks...

    Went back today, and they couldnt help me at all, saying "come back tomorrow".

    So, either they lost it, or they just dont give a s***, haha :)

    Frustrating as its sooooooooo damn slow.

    Cant wait what they have to say tomorrow, but a friend said "maybe you will have to re-do it all from scratch"... I sure hope it wont come to that.

    Ill let you know.

    Hows everyone else doing with this??

    T.J. has his I assume from the previous post. V, struck gold yet? :)
  10. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    What??? I thought the middle line was the one with the number system. Don't tell me they changed it again? I swear every time I finally figure things out, they change the lines again. (Glad to know that the far left is still for handing out the final product though, as usual)

    Rawkus... when I got my FM3 renewed this summer, it took almost 2 months. (usually it takes 2 weeks) I think it's because they're switching from the green books to the laminated cards, so everything takes longer.
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