Navigating Immigration, Cancun

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm not surprised V, seems pretty much the norm. :)

    I have had problems with the new card, most places don't know what it is and insist that an FM2 (or FM3) is a booklet. I also was not able to use it as proof of local residency, there is no address on the card! All it proves is residency in Mexico, not in QRoo so using it for local discounts has become a hassle. They wanted to see a letter from INM in addition to the card, grrr. Luckily I carry business cards with my office address and they (reluctantly) accepted that yes indeed I live and work in QRoo.
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    It's pretty apparent they are struggling with a backlog of cases. They scheduled my wife's interview on a day in which the interview list was full, and "add on" of about ten other cases had been footnoted at the bottom of the page.

    She got her FM3 ID card the day of the interview ("return today at 6 PM", they told her: she did, and it was ready), but there appears to be an anomaly: it reads visitante rentista lucrativa. Is such a combination even possible?? I looked in the website and couldn't find any reference to such a status.

    It seems contradictory to me, and may be an error, but you would think the cards, produced as they are by a computer, would not permit such an anomaly, if it is one.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2010
  3. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: What "feeling" do you get from the INM office the last time you were there?

    Im starting my renewal(FM3) process on Wednesday... Will try to do it by myself this time, as I cant splash out the cost that Mauricio charges at the moment.

    Last time I tried to do it myself, it was a disaster... They asked for bribes and were incredibly rude, but Im hoping things might have changes at least a little since a whole heap of them got sacked.

    Also had a LOT of issues with the list of documents as I got 3 different ones, none of which was accepted.

    Any hints are very much appreciated :)
  4. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    There has been some turnover in the last year, but most of the people I was familiar with are still there. "Information", which was a pleasant and helpful middle aged man, is now an attractive young girl who is serious, and seems to know what she's doing. There are a couple of young guys who act bored, but get the job done. 'The rest of the staff are middle-aged women, and pleasant enough. They seem to recognize me when I come in, smile and say hello.

    They are drowning in the caseload, right now, but they're still pleasant enough, if just a little inefficient.

    Most problems can be avoided if you can make your situation clear: sometimes they take clearly inappropriate action, like setting an appointment that is not needed, but when I call it to their attention, they usually get moving in the right direction, again.

    Under current circumstances, I've had to prod them, just a little, to make something happen, but it's not been from any ill will on their part, just that they are swamped with work.

    Listen carefully to what they tell you you need to do and provide; ask questions to be sure you've understood, then just try to do what they say you need to do.

    If you're doing this for the first time for yourself, get all the documentation in order before you go in: aim for the maximum preparation you can give it, rather than trying to cut corners, or insist you don't need something they've asked for. They will select from among what you present exactly what they think they're going to need, and you may find you've overdone it, a bit, but so what? Better to be over prepared, than under prepared.

    I've done the legwork on two FM3s, so far, one a rentista and one with permission to work; and, gone through the process for one renewal of the rentista. My working FM3 comes up for renewal in November. I haven't had any problems, and don't expect any problems. These people are a lot nicer to deal with than Chinese immigration officials are.

    It amuses me to go through this kind of thing, when I have time, but these processes are not everyone's cup of tea: I wasn't able to accompany my wife the last time, and she found it very stressful. Also, it's not for those in a hurry, or who need to get back to work right away. You can never know for sure how long you'll be in the office, each trip.

    There's more I could say, but I'd rather do it over a beer, if you don't mind. Care to buy?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
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    Ok, so a quick update on my FM3 renewal process:

    I walked in with ZERO expectations. Got the list of requirements, which showed 8 different things.

    Well, got all my papers in order and went back, and of course they hardly didnt even look at the stuff and only took two of the things(one more tree wasted... hehe).

    Well, Im pleased to say that this time it all went incredibly(by Mexico standards...) smooth and Ive spent a total of 40-45 minutes inside the INM office in 2 visits.

    He gathered the two documents, stamped some stuff and gave me a paper from where I can access their website and check my status, online.

    When I first went there, I was greeted very nicely by a young woman. She explained some things and pointed me in the right direction.

    The lady who gave me the list, was also nice.

    The guy whom I presented my stuff to, was "ok". Not overly nice, but not very rude either.

    So here I am, waiting to get my appointment confirmed, hoping that it will be incredibly painless... Still keeping my pants on though, since Cancun is the one place on earth I have learned to NEVER celebrate until its completely done.

    The office has been reorganized and is way easier to "navigate". The waiting area is still the same crap: "Lean against the wall where there is space"...

    Ill update once I know whats going on.
  6. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    I went today and was in and out in 20 minutes. First # issued was 37 and I was 2nd with 38.

    They kept either the original (FM3) or copies (everything else) but not both. They only wanted a copy of the photo page of the passport.

    It was not on my list but I brought a copy of my CURP and when asked, they said they would take it.

    They did not take my photos as V pointed out somewhere in his posts here. THEY DO HAVE A NEW SIZE REQUIREMENT FOR THE PHOTOS. 2.5 CM X 3.0 CM, COLOR, 3 HEADSHOTS AND TWO PROFILES. I went to Fotos Guellerimo (sp?) across from the bus station. They give you 6 of each and it is $120. The print them on the spot and I was in and out in 10 or so minutes.

    I can't wait till Rawkus reports that he has his FM3. Mine should then be ready the next day.

    V posted a link in this thread about the permit letter if you leave Mexico during the application or renewal process. That link no longer works. Maybe he can find a better one in his spare time. LOL

    Another thing that I did was ask about when and where to pay the fee, $1,294 for a renewal of a Rentista. The guy who processed me told me to ask at the Info counter. I did and she did not want to give it to me. I pressed a bit and she gave it to me. I think I will go pay it next week and have the receipt all ready to go when I go in for the next go 'round.

  7. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    O' Jeez.. the whole place will probably grind to a halt if you go and pay before you're told to.. better wait.. :icon_eek:
  8. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    T.J. is still three more visits away from having his renewal completed, the first having been to submit his paperwork, in proper order, if his case follows the same pattern my wife's did.

    2. When he gets notice, through the website, that he is to report to the INM offices, and he shows up in response, they will offer him an appointment date and time (to get the appointment, he will report to the counter on the right, as you enter, then speak with the ladies who work towards the left end of that counter).

    3. Returning on the day and time of his appointment, he will need to have with him the photos and proof of payment. His name will be called when they've worked through the appointments that day to the point of reaching his case. For anyone wishing a more little reassurance, you can go to the left end of the counter in front of you, as you enter, and locate the desktop monitor that is used to check the status of the case: telling the person working at that location that you have an appointment is all that is reasonably necessary: they'll either check the status of your case, to confirm, or simply tell you to wait till your case is called.

    At the appointment, he will be called again to the counter where he got his appointment, and will be asked to produce his photos and proof of payment. He may be asked a few questions; for example, his height in CMs, and may be asked additional details about the source of his financial self-sufficiency. (My wife was asked to state her total, monthly income from sources abroad, though she was basing her application for renewal on sums on deposit in the bank, as she had done, originally. She was designated, on her new FM3 card a, "No Inmigrante Visitante Rentista Lucrativa").*

    4. The last step will be to return to pick up his new FM3 card. (As my wife was planning to leave town, and she explained that to them, they made it available the same day, at 6 PM, instead of the five days hence they had originally suggested.)

    As for your question about the website, T.J., try this one: it worked on my laptop, this AM.

    Trámites - Instituto Nacional de Migración

    The alternative is to go to Inicio - Instituto Nacional de Migración

    then, click on "tramites" as you did to apply for your extension, and work your way through the menu to "permiso de salida and regreso"
    *Controversial to even mention on this forum, it's been my opinion all along that some of the changes being made would be consistent with a long term plan to start taxing income from sources abroad. This designation, if not an error, fits the pattern I might expect in the implementation of such a plan.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  9. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    Thanks V,

    I did notice another monitor being used by the rank and file, located in the front left corner of the office, more or less behind the seating area on the left as you enter the building.

    Hurry up Rawkus, I am the day after you. Rapido por favor.
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    @T.J.: Still nothing, hehe ;)

    @V: Thanks for all the details of how it will go down.

    Im curious: My visa runs out in 2 days. This cant affect me since I already submitted my renewal, right?
    (Sorry if its a stupid question, but have no clue how it works here...)

    My application was submitted on the 28th of Sept. Do you know how long it "should" take to get the notification to go back and set a time and date for the process?
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