My Trip From Hell

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by manchurt, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. Jessica

    Jessica Guru Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
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    Cleveland, OH
    +723 / 1
    Selfie pics are mirror images. So it does actually hold up. The story that lacks witnesses doesnt though.
  2. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,620 / 14
    Ya beat me to it.
  3. M&MfromLA

    M&MfromLA Regular Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Las Vegas
    +582 / 0're minding your business in a lobby, see a group of guys who are getting kicked out and probably making a scene....decide to get close enough to be within striking distance to the whole thing....say no words to the group and boom, you get sucker punched??

    Nah son, thats not what happened.

    Lets look at the likely story...

    1) Group of guys with definite douche factor go to Temptation looking for "easy pussy"

    2) Said group of guys get too rowdy/drunk and aggressive when 2nd night in, they realize all of the couples and singles on the property are annoyed by them and that "easy pussy" aint gonna be so easy anymore.

    3) Probably was at Bash, grabbed someones ass or pissed off a husband and got thrown out.

    4) In the process of being thrown out and trying to fight while drunk, none of his punches connected except for the one to his face.

    End story :)
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    Last edited: Aug 10, 2019
  4. Len from the Floor

    Len from the Floor Addict Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2014
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    +559 / 3
    No judgement one way or the other about the truthfulness of the report. But, the left/right issue is easily explainable if a mirror was used in one picture but not the other. The fact is the scars looked identical if you take that into consideration. My conclusion is that he was injured - but who knows how and where and all the circumstances behind how it happened. Until we see the video he promises to pass on when he gets it, I think it is not very useful to make a judgement. And of course, while the video might make it clear where it happened (i.e. in the hotel lobby) it may still not tell the entire story. While I remain open minded, it does seem sketchy - especially the long delay between the incident and the postings both here and on FB.
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  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Story seems sketchy to me also. Can't really comment on the fight since I have no further info than this post.

    But I do know that if the hotel calls a doctor it does not cost $450 purely for a visit. An A&E consultation at the best hospital costs 600 pesos or so, which is about $30 US. Calling a Dr to the hotel will be more expensive but not 15 times more. Triple at worst.

    Also, the 'gunshots' anecdote. I've lived in Cancun for almost 15 years, that's close to 5,500 days. I've never heard a gunshot and I live downtown.

    There are very few problems in the Hotel Zone compared to downtown, so I find it strange the OP experienced something in his 10 days or so that I have not in 5,500.
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    Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
  6. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    +2,849 / 3
    On Facebook he claims this happened back in March, and there are lots of promises of seeing a video when "his lawyer gets it". So only now this incident and trip report comes to light? Second, good luck with legal matters in Mexico, but I have no doubt a local lawyer will promise you practically anything, just as long as you keep paying. Finally, that seems to be one extremely accurate sucker punch to come from behind and wrap around ones face so well it connects perfectly with the eye. I'm thinking M&MfromLA are much closer to the real story, especially since on FB he also reported it was a post-divorce guys party. What could possibly ever go wrong with that scenario? Even the bachelor party guys can see this train wreck coming. Probably had it coming and somebody obliged him for being a drunk douche that got way too inappropriate. And to recommend AirBnB as an alternative to TTR is laughable. I would consider Vegas as your next destination for a guys weekend. There are plenty of BnB options, and when it becomes painfully clear it's not going to work out with the ladies at the bar you can visit local establishements that are a sure thing.
  7. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Agreed, strange that he chose to make the post 5 months later. Also, he posted it in many different places. Surely, first thing a lawyer tells you to do when pursuing a claim is not talk about it on Social Media.

    I doubt there is a lawyer involved, and if true there is very little chance of a successful claim. Could the hotel even be held responsible for such a situation ? I doubt it. People are assaulted in bars and clubs all over the World every day, you don't hear of those establishments getting sued.

    I think the guy is pissed off and wants to harm the hotel's business, nothing more than that. Seen it here several times before.
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  8. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    +2,849 / 3
    [QUOTE="I think the guy is pissed off and wants to harm the hotel's business, nothing more than that. Seen it here several times before.[/QUOTE]

    That absolutely seems to be his goal. More than likely he was expecting a free-for-all with the ladies, found out differently and got into some trouble, and then got pissed at the hotel for not backing him up. I wouldn't doubt if he posted the same story on TripAdvisor or other travel sites as well hoping to hurt their business.
  9. wild1s

    wild1s Naughty 'n Nice Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    My guess is that he tried to slide his hands where they weren't invited on Mrs. @westtexas , she elbowed him in the eye, knocking him out and them he got kicked out of the resort and now he's pissed. (It's just my conspiracy theory.)
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  10. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    When I was on the Premier deck one visit back in 2016 I got a splinter in my toe!
    I contacted the hotel and one of the lifeguards gave me a band aide...and charged me 25 cents American.
    I asked for the video so I could sue them but I am still waiting for it.
    Stand by, as soon as I get it I will post it here as I do not have FB, Twitter, Instagram.

    Oh, and then someone actually shot at me as I walked across the street to buy an antibiotic ( or maybe it was Viagra) and I had to hit the ground and skinned my knee.
    Well maybe it was someone breaking wind nearby.
    The hotel must pay!!!

    P.S. None of this is true but I could not resist.
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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
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