My first time... Worried...

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by thewaltons816, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. marilyn&steve

    marilyn&steve Addict Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    Remember too that only perhaps 25% of guests are on Cancuncare, and they represent the crazier, or maybe more fun, contingent of guests. Another 50% know what TTR is about and enjoy the atmosphere. You always meet some people who had no idea what the resort was like; you'll find people who are shocked at seeing topless women. Reading the forum here gives you a good idea of the mindset of the Cancuncare group. But you can go to the quiet pool and you'd think you were in another resort, the Hilton or something. You will find people are much friendlier than at pretty much any other resort. Relax, you'll find a comfort level that suits your limits and find a spot and group where you'll be comfortable. Don't overthink it, it's a vacation, not something to stress over. Enjoy!
  2. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Ohio, USA
    +664 / 2
    My husband + I were very nervous before our 1st visit to Temptation. Will there be swingers? Will weird people approach us? Will the partying be too much?

    Well we took the plunge and it was the most fun we've ever had. We knew, from Day One, that this was the kind of vacation we had always been looking for.

    We are simple folks. We don't party at home. We mow the lawn, take our kids to school, drive to work, buy groceries, play Candy Crush.... pretty regular, boring lives. But at Temptation, we, like so many other couples, come alive.

    Yes, there is a lot of partying, day and night. But it's very easy to not be in the party if you don't want to. The beach is steps away from the Sexy Pool. There's a Quiet Pool (that I've never been to LOL) and a Sports Pool. I don't know if the Sports Pool gets quiet during the day as I've only ever been there during the Foam Party (tons of fun) At night, when everyone is partying at PattyO's, it's a great atmosphere but you can easily slip away and sit quietly at any of the many palapas (canopy beds) around. My husband and I have slept on these beds, outside, under the stars and in the warm quiet breezes.

    And yes, there are swingers, but nobody gets into your face or makes you feel uncomfortable. It's actually fun if you're into people-watching.

    My husband and I have been to Temptation 3 times since 2013 and we are planning to visit again this December. This has become our go-to vacation spot where we know we'll DEFINITELY have a good time, DEFINITELY meet nice people (everyone we've met, every visit, has been so friendly) and DEFINITELY have good food, good drinks and good service.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  3. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Ohio, USA
    +664 / 2
    Congratulations on your 32 years of marriage!

    Temptation is a great place to be, for all ages of adults. We've seen great people in their 20's to even 60's or 70's and every in between.

    My husband + I have been there 3 times and it's easily become the only place we ever want to visit (unless we are vacationing with our kids LOL)

    We aren't lewd people. We're not into the party scene at home. We hardly ever even drink. And I'm pretty antisocial to be honest. However, at Temptation, we feel so relaxed and carefree that it's easy to feel sociable and comfortable. Not only are the staff members great, but somehow all the random guests you meet from all around the world become friendly, warm and charming.

    Have fun!
  4. Nikki&Ira

    Nikki&Ira Secretary of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Fredericton NB
    +921 / 6
    I love this! Its so very very true! It why we love it! I wasn't crazy nervous the first trip cause I had friends that had gone a bunch of times in 2002-2005 ish years but it was new to me.

    For the OP, don't worry. If you need downtime, there are lots of options (beach, quiet pool, sports pool) I personally have never been to any of these places but I hear they exist ;)

  5. Funinthesun72

    Funinthesun72 Newbie Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    New York
    +12 / 0
    I'm in the same boat. This will be my first time too. Ive been to nude beaches many times but its very relaxed and people kinda keep to themselves and just chill. I see all these beautiful bodies here and im feeling a bit on the self conscious side. I may need MANY drinks to get over it! Lol It seems like everyone is chill here and non judgemental like myself. Still nervous as to what to expect.
  6. Krvinr27

    Krvinr27 Regular Registered Member

    May 29, 2015
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    Will be there at the same time 3-13 for us first timers
  7. LT & Jenn

    LT & Jenn Princess of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    So our first trip was in 2012. My husband found the resort. He thought it would be fun to try a place where we could be carefree and have he time of our lives! We live in a small conservative town in the south so it's hard to live the life that we want... Open and carefree! I was a nervous wreck! Well we got down there and when we landed it was pouring rain! It rained for most of the first day. We had some room issues, and they changed our room like 3 times... Long story short, we woke up the second day (pouring rain again) and immediately called our travel agent to book us a trip home. We had every intention of leaving. While we waited to hear back from our agent, we decided to go check out the pool. The rain had let up by this point. We were down there maybe 3 minutes before we were being handed shots and invited to join a group of awesome people. Within minutes we felt so at home and so welcomed. We got ahold of our travel agent and told her we had changed our minds. We're so glad we did. We ended up having the time of our lives! And this year will be our 4th trip. We've met some of our best friends at this place! So go and have fun! Go with an open mind and just be carefree! You will have a blast!
  8. Edward-Alli

    Edward-Alli Photofucker Registered Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
    +287 / 7
    Not to worry yourselves, but the motto no one knows you, no body gives a shit only works on your first visit, after that every one knows you but they still dont give a shit. After all the crazy stuff you do, people remember you!!! After 3 trips we have met some of the most amazing friends ever, becoming life long friends, even meeting up with some on our travels away from Temptation. My tips is to dress out of your comfort level, be active in the pool games, meet people beforehand, and talk with everyone at resort, especially ones with orange wristbands. Have fun!
  9. AJ-L34

    AJ-L34 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Enjoy your trip, don't be nervous.. You will have a Wonderful..time! Everyone there are great people! I was nervous my first trip, but like others have said, it is addicting once you go the first time. I bet when you get home from your trip, you will be planning the next one. :) have a wonderful time!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Relaxed isn't a word I'd normally use to describe Temptation!
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