I am looking for child care (one child)/cleaning/maybe cooking from 1 in the afternoon to about 5 or 6 on weekdays. I don't even know where to start looking for someone like this...ANY advice would be really appreciated. I have seen people place ads in Novedades but that seems like a long shot... :?
Do not ever hire a muchacha that is not recommended by someone you trust. That's the first rule. Once you've found someone be sure to check references. And make sure to give her a ride home so that you know where she lives. I know of a muchacha who might have one day a week open, but I don't think she could meet your schedule. She's got her own kids and needs to pick them up from school around 2:30 each day.
Even though......... A friend of mine recommended her to me, she was "long time aquaintance of hers". First time she came she stole a gold ring with diamonds, I didn't notice right away, 3rd time she stole 200 pesos, THAT I realized immediately, there was no 4th time of course. Even if you know where she lives how can you find that? And for the story my "friend" stood on her side. :evil: I thought she was trustworthy... the friend I mean! Check your PM, Good luck.
Jen, What happened the 2nd time? RT, I agree with the referral only deal. And that is not a sure thing. My woman is on her 3rd one in a year. One bolted for more $. One was a goofball who would not show up and then get angry when she was not called to see what the problem was. This was even after she was give a prepaid phone to call "her job" if there was a problem. She burned her minutes calling others. #3 is young and single but seems to be doing good at the moment, but the moment is only 3 weeks long as of now. Good luck. Don't you live in the HZ? That may be an added problem as far as her transportation in cost, time and distance. If it were me I would pay soooo much $$$ that they could not afford to leave. Plus it's peanuts to you, right?
I have heard about so many with unreliable help that...it is daunting. Big thanks to all the help though! I am still looking...maybe these big eyes will help... :shock:
Ahah, TJ, nothing that I realized yet . Maybe it is when I gave her a plastic closet I wanted to replace and she liked it, so maybe she considered it was enough for that day :wink: But now that you make me think of it, I think I gave her something everytime..... And I don't think you can pay them enough $$$$$$$$$$$$$ so they don't leave you or rob you. On the contrary.
Hi Raretail. My muchachas sister has arrived from Chiapas and is looking for work. She worked here yesterday and seems nice. I will ask her re hours etc and let you know. We have been really lucky and have not had anything stolen- in fact our Muchacha guards our house like a Rottweiler.She has no problem travelling to the hotel zone. Anyway I will let you know if sister is interested. Tracey x
How much to pay?? I'd appreciate any help with respect to how much is a decent amount to pay a maid, hourly or daily amounts. This is a college student who is home for the Holiday, so it will be a short term arrangement. I want to be very fair. TIA.
Our maid wanted 200 pesos for about 6 hours. After a few visits we realised she was good and we didnt want to lose her so we gave her a raise to 250.
I paid mine about $250 for 5 to 6 hours of work. But eventually got rid of her b/c I hate having someone in the house. I'd rather clean it myself than deal with someone underfoot.