The group we were with a few weeks ago had a blast racking up the titles. Some of the contests were a little risque, but it was all in good fun and really made the trip more fun to get involved. The activity staff will ask people at the sexy pool if they'd like to participate. If you ask, they'll tell you what you'll have to do, so you can decide ahead of time if it's a contest you want to do. Just know this going in...if Chinos says "there will be consequences," there will! By the way...I'll be in the Miss Temptation line-up for July.
All I remember about the Iron Man contest was that by the end I was tired, physically exhausted and bleeding profusly from my foot, but hell I won and the medical guy on staff was top notch so I count it as a good experience. They even gave had a drink waiting for me while I was getting my foot patched up.