Can Somebody PLEASEEE help me. I am going to the Moon Palace March 18th with 4 other college guys. We have been told that the moon palace is definitely not the place to go to if you want to "party" in the night since it is no where near anything. Also, people mentioned I should transfer over to the Cancun Palace where it is a bit more catterd for spring breakers COMPARED to Moon Palace. Somebody, please help....
Moon Palace certainly isn't the "Spring Break" party house, but you will still have a great time there. The big draw for us is the dance club that is open until 3am. Cancun Palace isn't full to capacity yet with only 1/2 of the rooms ready at this time. You will be closer to the party zone, but it won't be rocking at the resort from what we understand. Each night, the staff from the Moon goes do one of the night clubs in town and your fee includes transportation there. The 4 of you can split the $20 cab ride back at the end of the night. It's really up to you. Hope you enjoy your vacation!!
Moon Palace is really close to the airport but not easily accessible to the party zone. Cancun Palace is. Usually CP is jumping nightly and they have busses taking you to bar hop etc... but with it not being completely open I don't know if they would have that now. Moon Palace has a great pool, a HUGE pool but it is really more family oriented. You are closer to the night life at Cancun Palace, if they were available for you, I would see about switching, IF Cancun Palace has the entertainment that will take you out at night. If Cancun Palace is really operating 90% there should be some young honey's there for you guys! :lotsofmichaelf: