Moving House

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Steve, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Actual move day is tomorrow, so our last night here at the old place.

    Just joking about the revenge thing, it is a shitty thing for him to do, especially when he's not been all that bad over the two and a half years we've lived here. I guess rental deposits not being refunded are just a given here.

    Received our water bill a few days ago, I dont know what's going on but it was 880 pesos when it's normally 50 pesos - I think there must be a leak somewhere as our meter is spinning at 100mph. Our cleaning lady knocked and broke the water pipe from one of our toilets so it no longer refills the cistern and the front door lock broke so now it cant be opened from outside. Not our problems now though :lol:
  2. Drewbert

    Drewbert Guest

    +0 / 0
    880 pesos worth of water is enough water to fill that swimming pool there from empty.

    So someone's eithe rpinching water via your connection, or that whole block is about to sink into the quicksand.

    As far as rental disputes here are concerned, often the when the owner wants to evict a tenant, they will refuse to accept your payment of the rent, so they can kick you out for non payment. The way to get around that is to lodge the money with the Justice Dept, under their name.
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    When we first got here we rented and the landlord was awful. We sicced a lawyer on him who got our WHOLE deposit back. The lawyer then kept half of it, but we thought that was better than letting the landlord have it.
  4. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    880 pesos for the water bill? Hope the landlord is not trying to screw you on that as well. We just got our water bill for our apartment building (it's shared among 8 apartments) and it's $800 pesos as well (cos we owe two months) - so there must be a serious leak for you to have one of that amount!
    Hope the move went well, did someone say party??? :lol:
  5. jenleib

    jenleib Addict Registered Member

    May 18, 2005
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    St Pete/Fort Lauderdale
    +0 / 0
    I had once a 1600 pesos water bill.... there was a leak, the landlord did nothing (as many times here), you can ask Aguakan to check and fix it, easier and faster.

    It was one of the deposits I didn't get back. I had given 11,000 pesos (rent + phone). I hired a lawyer, he got 3000 back, the administrator was not adminitrator anymore, nobody wanted to take the responsibility, and the owner was ... I don't know where, living maybe in Puebla or Guadalajara, whatever... I had to pay for the water, phone calls I never made etc...

    There is a law here, but no application.
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