lucky bear bear.. 2 weeks till cancun summer trip.. thats why i'm in the gym every single day? ballet does not give me muscle at all. and yoga makes me more flexible, how do you tone up anyway?
lots of running(cardio), work your abs, and a little weight lifting! Light weight, lots of reps!! You will be tone in no time!
jason, i run 40 minutes non stop everyday. my legs are very tone, i have no problem with that.. it just i need to work my arms.. everytime when i try to lift something heavy, it's always shaking non stop..
ok, so 8-12 times for 3 sets right.. how heavy are them? i do alot of cardio and can run for a long time without even drinking any water.. ballet and yoga for flexibility.. biggest problem is i dont have have energy for my arms and hands.
lift weights BEFORE you fun, thats the best for your body. Each person is different, feel out the weight before you do it, make sure you can do it that many times, less weight more reps makes you tone!
thanks for the tip. will try that for and will let you know. hm, one more thing, how do you use them?
umm........... depends what excercise you are doing. You can go on the internet and look up how to get tone, and what exercises work!