I dont bother showering while at Temptations, shit I am in the pool all day, and I even pee in the pool, why waste water in flushing the toilet. Brushing my teeth...easy fix, it is called Tequila Cockroaches.... its all inclusive, stop complaining there is noting to eat
When ever i read this guy Lennies posts gives me pains in my chest always LMFAO always ends with a smile :xyxthumbs:
Seriously?!? Who cares if there are cockroaches... Helllooooo!!?!? Its MEXICO! lol My favorite touch is the Guijas! I cant sleep without them knocking. :mexicoflag:
I hate when people complain.. jk... Some people are douches n don't have manners... I work in retail for 12 yrs.. I have seen it all..
If it last more than 4 hours you should contact your doctor.... oh wait a minute, thats for Viagra. Never mind back to what you were doing lol.
Funny, 'cause my wife is absolutely petrified of the pool at Hedo, which we're considering this year.