Thats what I always do. I have a couple of actual g-string bikinis and the rest are underwear. Sorry but I just cant spend more than 40$ on a piece of clothing I can hide in my closed fist. Victoria's Secret all the way, if things get a little carried away and they get ripped off of you, no problem, you've got 10 more...:cheerleaders:
We were on a float down the river trip and my wife had to pee. Couldn't do it until she got about 15' away and took off the pants.
OK, now we're just "pissin' & moanin' "... Y'all better change subjects here or "Urine" trouble... Q- Why did the officer arrest the 5th little piggy for public indecency? A- 'cuz he "went wee, wee, wee, wee, all the way home." ... ok, I've got more, but we'll be right back after a quick potty break & a message from our sponsor... OK, I nominate "ME" as a most annoying person on a thread, but not necessarily on a trip... Y'all will have to find that out for yourselves... AND NOW we're back to our thread topic!
honestly. we were at TTR last week and I am not exagerating when I say nearly every boob job there (and there were lots) looked pretty bad
I guess Walmart has been pretty busy lately!!! The whole trick to a good boob agumentation is to make it look like you never had one.
I guess I never looked at it as annoying people. I just chalk it up as "life". Just another life experience that will continue as I make my journey through life. Mostly I try to laugh at people when they do annoying things. If they are directly affecting me or someone else in an extreme negative way I will step in and try to make some changes, but for the most part I just smile and chuckle. As for TTR, I can honestly say I have never met so many nice (and fun) people in one place in my life! Its why we're coming back in 17 days. But I will admit, I am enjoying this thread!! Carry on. Oh, and by the way, Kimberly figured out the thong underwear thing 3 days into our first trip to TTR. It worked out great!!
You have an awsome attitude, and to be honest I'm pretty sure 98% of the people on this thread are the same. I really believe this thread is for venting many of us are waiting for our return to TTR, the weather sucks where I am, winter has been going on it seems forever. Most threads on CC are all sweet, friendly, and hope we don't offend anyone. Here we're just saying it as it is... Vent Vent Vent... I do appreciate your post. :wave: Cheers