Us locals are all getting ripped apart by mossies at the moment. I've been here 4 years and never seen anything like it, other expats have been here 9 years and never seen anything like it. If you're traveling in the next week or so stock up on that repellent!
get a repelant with deet in it they will not come neer you spray one`s are best and rub it in on all open skin (wash hands after )
Oh bloody hell - I'd better get malaria tabs then cus things bite me and go off and tell all their mates to come and have a nosh!! Looks like I'll be wearing my rather unattractive bug bracelets again!!! They SO do NOT go with any outfit I wear!!!! xxxxx
I think at the moment it's just one of those freak situations you get from time to time. Probably due to the amount of rain we had from TS Dolly a week or two ago. There are mosquitos year round but they are not normally such a problem as they seem to be right now. I'm sure within a week or so the situation will be back to normal.
This is true..Steve..Standing water from Dolly is a breeding ground for them...Once it drys should be alright...