I don't know what was said either, I missed it too. I would prefer though if Mods who edit posts take responsibilty for it by posting their reasons. Whatever, Mods decisions will always have my full support. Extreme swearing is something I have asked for to be edited if it arises, that's my call not the Mods. Drew you can bring these issues up with me anytime. Of course I'll probably tell you to **** off :wink:
Drewbert Do they have kangaroos in New Zealand? You are such a p---- sometimes. I will never forgive you for probing me with that umbrella.
pushchair. you are the only one on this board who would use that. the rest of the free world calls them baby strollers. your pushchair was hitting my feet but your sombrilla was a bit higher up. pervert.
Not quite true TJ, pushchair is the word of choice also for those who invented the language. Makes sense too, it's a chair that you push - baby's dont stroll they cant walk :wink: