More Coronavirus Debate

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Jen&Kyle, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    Risk vs. Reward plain and simple and quite easy to understand.
  2. Danica & Brian

    Danica & Brian Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Just as easy to understand that your risk can end a life. Plain and simple, easy to understand.

    But I believe in 100% personal choice. I think there should be a trade off though. Anyone who takes that risk should have to spend an hour with the parent of a child who died from Covid.
  3. lakeboy22

    lakeboy22 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    wow so what your saying is if you choose to go on a vacation your price to pay is too sit with someone who has died from COVID. Maybe someone in your family has already died does that count? Maybe you work in a profession where you have witnessed many people die from COVID or the flu does that count. How about if you go to Walmart at home should you then have to sit with someone, because you could have had your groceries delivered.
  4. The Gringos

    The Gringos Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Huge difference between going to an adult resort that has had a lineup of Covid cases and going to Walmart. Risks have consequences. if you are upset that you'd have to talk to someone like that, maybe your head is in the sand trying to ignore it, and thinking like that is why the US is where it is. The stats are literally there. There's no argument to be had that the US hasnt by far done the worst job, despite having more resources than the next 25 countries combined. Don't be obtuse. When 99% of the worlds nations disagree with your position, maybe its a you thing.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2020
  5. lakeboy22

    lakeboy22 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    I have no problem talking to anyone who has a family member that has died from anything. Don’t be obtuse to think that I haven’t. I have held people in my arms when they took their last breaths, I have notified family members that their loved ones are no longer coming home. I have escorted remains home to family members and stayed with them for 4 days to answer question that I couldn’t answer. Have you. As far as the US doing a horrible job probably but there is a whole lot more that goes into running a country going thru a pandemic than just the disease. I read at least 4 foreign newspapers everyday to get a perspective on how the world is doing and let me tell you it his having major issue and it’s not because of the United States, it’s because of a virus. Japan has major issue with suicide they have lost more to that than COVID by a mile. What’s the stats on divorce, domestic violence, crime it’s effecting every part of the WORLD not just the United States.
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  6. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    A child???
    Happens every day without covid.
    With covid only it is a rare instance indeed...but I do understand your point.
    Most have/had preexisting conditions that put them at risk of many things.

    What about all those who die/died from the flu each year???
    Where are all of them this year???
    And what about all those, including children, who have died or will die when the freakin’ state governments shut down all the “elective” treatments an procedures for fear of over loading the hospital systems?
    Like that happened.
    And don’t tell me I don’t know what I am talking about ad it is our business.

    The risk vs. reward comment was directed at their risk vs. the reward of seeking/needing the almighty tourist dollars (monies if not American) so that they do not simply starve to death.
    Others do need to put a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food in their bellies.
    Oh, wait, you have all that and forgot.

    One more thing, we have both had covid and are still alive...well at-least I think so.
  7. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,621 / 14
    Huh, this is heating up as the world (the top part of it anyway) cools down. I wonder if it's the opposite in South America, Africa and Australia?

    A few very heavy-handed metaphors being drawn above, folks. As Lakeboy said, what if he Has already sat witht the pearents of a dead child? Did that child die from a COVID infection that Lakeboy himself brought back and breathed into the virgin unpolluted lungs of that very child a month earlier, laughing demonically as he did so? I'm imagining the little bat wings poking out of his upper back and shoulders. If this happened, then I'd expect a trigger of guilt, sure, as everything links right up.

    This is similar, though different venue, for people to condemn drunk drivers... when those very same people have themselves driven drunk.

    I've sat with the parents of dead children, while waiting for cops to come. I've carried what turned out to be a dead child out of a ditch after extricating her from an upside down car. And .... yet... I have (not for quite some time now for those in the know of course LOL!) driven after Several beers. Smart? Of course not. Mature? No, sort of stupid and childish actually. The odd thing was that, for years, it was dealing with drunk driver MVA's (and quite a few other interesting genere of traumatic violence) drove me to drink. Interesting.

    Anyway, my point is to ask people to try to try to simply back off from any sort of argument on a text-based message system that smacks of "Holier Than Thou," as they never work in the way the person who uses it wants it to -- which is to change the other persn's mind and actions. Usually, all it'll do is cause the target to flare, ignore, smart-off back, get defensive and so on.

    You can tell when you're about to send one when, right as you get ready to click "Send" you get an overwhelming feeling of "There! I really told him! I really let him have it!"
  8. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    Now John, you know that’s no fun ;)
  9. spotme

    spotme Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 11, 2019
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    Sweden is surging. Needless to say, we all have opinions on this, and a lot of them are not void of some sort of bias. In this case we are forced to reconcile the things we yearn for and even deserve bordering on irresponsible. It’s gonna have us argue, and that should be okay for as long as we strive to be fair and balanced as we argue. To those of “us” traveling, enjoy safely, but also understand that some among us will impact others negatively with this decision. Mask up, wash hands, distance, till better alternatives become available.
  10. Garry n Jo

    Garry n Jo Guru Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    What are the statics on CANCER? Cancer scares me 1000000 times more than COVID hands down. But no one cares about Cancer that has no real cure.
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