More Coronavirus Debate

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Jen&Kyle, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Let me explain a few things.

    The guy that posted the thread about him contracting COVID did indeed post it in the FB Group. He later decided to mess around with the responses, deleting the ones he didn't like and keeping the ones he did. By his own admission he inadvertently deleted the whole thread. Of course, someone accused me of deleting it (as have you once again) but the FB Admin log shows all actions by any of the 5 Admins and proves that it was not deleted by any of us. That thread took up about 2 hours of my time dealing with it and its aftermath. I invited him to repost it, he did not.

    We don't delete threads just because they mention COVID. We make sure they are in the right place (like here), so that those who do not wish to read them don't have to. We also frown upon posts that try to convince others not to travel, shame them for choosing to or post speculation or scare stories from questionable sources. Those may sometimes be deleted because they usually end in arguments, resulting in people leaving the group or being kicked. It's the run up to US elections and many people are politically motivated to post what they do, or respond in the manner they do. From both sides.

    In any case. The FB group and forum are both part of my business. My business is my full time job and the forums, groups, websites and Boobs Cruise are my places of work. Just as bar, restaurant or hotel owners do, I get to decide the rules as owner of the place.

    You can cry censorship all you like but my business is no democracy, you don't get to vote a leader in or out every few years. You're not a partner or shareholder. I'm not running a free public information service or even a service you pay a subscription for. Neither you nor anybody else gets to decide direction, policy or what is or isn't allowed and definitely not what the owner can or can't do with his own business he has worked at building for 18 years.

    Simply put, either like it or lump it.

    So, if I need a car part bringing down from the US I will go ahead and ask if someone can bring it. I don't need anyone's permission. I'd been trying to get that part for a year, it isnt available locally. The guy who I sent it to after buying it let me down by not traveling when he said he would, then lost it and found it 9 months later. In the meantime, I tried to buy it again on Ebay but no one would deliver to Mexico. I really shouldn't have to justify myself.

    If a random person wants to post a good wishes message about their kids achievements then yeah it will get deleted. Is your daughter even in the group or were you just looking for virtual high fives? Would it not have been more appropriate on your own page or amongst your own friends and family rather than to 26,000 strangers? My kids and everybody else's often have achievements we as parents are proud of, but if everyone posted a similar good wishes thread every time what a mess the place would be.

    Once again, I have taken time to construct this post and answer allegations that you have no place to make. I was intending to spend this half hour updating my webpage with the new Temptation Promo codes that came out today. But no, here I am responding to this instead. Earlier I had to reply to a message from a guy asking why the close up picture of his wife's ass was deleted.

    Beginning of the month is an extremely busy time with new cruise dates and roll calls, finishing up end of month things like my stats spreadsheet, chasing payments outstanding, deciding priorities for the next month etc. I'm trying to get tomorrow's cruise organised and trying to fill places from last-minute cancellations with emails flying all over the place. I've got people somehow getting hold of my phone number from hotel staff and calling me during my 20-minute lunch break.

    Aside from Temptation matters I have a content writer waiting on instructions on what she needs to write 8,000 words on across 4 articles for a different website this month. For that I have to do a ton of research and write out detailed instructions. We have two rental properties, one has been empty since before COVID, one has just been finished since construction was allowed to start again on June 1st. We have tenants moving in to both next week and have a lot to sort out with those. We have two kids who are now off school for summer, even though they haven't been to school in 3 months.

    We are away for a much needed weekend break, our first since February. I am desperately trying to wrap up everything I intended to finish before we go. I started at 9:30am this morning and it will be gone 10pm before I finish.

    The forum and FB group is not something I mess about with when I have nothing else to do. It is my job and an intrinsic part of my livelihood. 12+ hr days, usually 7 days a week, and how it has been for the last 15 years. Yet people expect me to be 'Happy Steve' 100% of the time and do what they think best - even though there are hundreds of variations of what people think is best.

    I wouldn't dream of telling you how to do your job or anyone else. I don't appreciate people telling me how to do mine.

    I am getting increasingly frustrated with people who mess with my time over matters that should be none of their concern. We have by far the largest FB group about Temptation with around 30 new members every single day, and the only Forum that has maybe 10 new members a day.

    There are a very small minority who whine and complain. Those are people I don't need. Almost daily, I am spending several hours dealing with this crap when I have better things to do, and it has to stop one way or another.
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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  2. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Just back from a night of drinking on the golf course. But all I can say to that post is “fucking A right”

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  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Trish, once again you make some excellent points and thank you for sharing them in such an articulate way.

    I'll try to keep my response brief, but it would be a disservice not to reply. This is the kind of COVID discussion I have no problem with and actually enjoy actively engaging with.

    I agree that nowhere is 100% safe, this thing is here to stay - until it either dies out, there is a vaccine or herd immunity is achieved. All of which are a long way off.

    But more testing does equal more positive cases. Previously, only the really sick were tested and now anyone can get a test for next to nothing or free, and some people do that just because they can. Some of them multiple times. This means the number of cases rise, but it also means more and more people without symptoms or with mild symptoms are being detected. The death toll continues to decline everywhere. Death toll is the true figure of COVID's impact.

    Unfortunately in México, we have not got to the point that the US and UK have with accessibility of economical tests. I don't think that means the virus is any different here, it just means we are at a stage you guys were in mid April and it will take us some time to catch up.

    As for the hotel, I have observed and many people from outside of Mexico have commented, that the measures are the strictest they have experienced in terms of entry, monitoring and staff. Probably much stricter than you will find in Liverpool, or Ohio or Texas or at any random place in the UK or US you choose.

    TTR has been open for more than 3 weeks now. Around 3000 people passing through the doors. So far, we have 3 or 4 people that have reported testing positive after visiting. None of them can tie it down to the hotel 100%.

    Social distancing is not going to happen at TTR. Masks for guests are optional, but to my knowledge and from my observation (and from the Boobs Cruise) not a single guest has opted to wear one at any time. If mask wearing and social distancing was enforced they/we might as well shut down now.

    Maskless shenanigans have already ensued. Given Covid's apparent virulence should we not be seeing more cases by now? TTR is not the only hotel open, there are scores of others. Should we not have already heard of a massive outbreak?

    Turning back to the UK. Knowsley, close by you, is rumoured to be a place that might have a lockdown brought back. Why? Because their cases trebled in a week. Sounds shocking!

    As you will know (but for the benefit of others), they actually went from 9 new cases to 30....... for every 100,000 people..... over one week. Cases that likely most won’t result in death or even hospitalisation - probably only detected because there is more testing.

    It really is ridiculous.

    I will leave this with words from your football team's song:

    "Que sera sera
    Whatever will be will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que sera sera"

    - Doris Day
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  4. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Thanks Steve I wasn't even actually expecting a response, more a vent of frustration from across the pond.
  5. Happydays

    Happydays Regular Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    I posted this elsewhere on the "Coronavirus testing in Cancun" thread and the enthusiasm levels were not great.
    As a cold-hearted business is the following a good idea?

    There is a noninvasive test available with results in ten minutes in Europe. I've been tested for other stuff over the years, works great. (bio-resonance).
    For the sake of argument, let's pretend that the test can be done remotely and the effectiveness over 95% is proven.

    Should resorts, like TTR, insist that all guests are tested on arrival?
    Would guests pay an additional fee (25 - 50 usd for example) for the knowledge that everyone at the hotel was tested and is clear. (or at least was clear when they were tested).

    I know many people still don't believe in the existence of the virus (presumably these people are getting scarce). Would insistence that they take the test cause trouble? What if they refuse to take it?

    It's far from foolproof and people need to be retested if they mingle with others in Starbucks or in Coco Bongos. Staff should be tested too but there is still no guarantee that the virus won't slip through the safety net. Testing does dramatically increases the chances of keeping COVID out of the resort though.

    If a guest tests positively for the virus, their holiday is ruined (possibly they could be asymptomatic and never knew they had it). The advantage of knowing early is that they can take the action best suited to them; return home, self-isolate and not pass it to their relatives and elderly neighbours when they see them. Also, they get back home in time and do not get stuck in a Mexican hospital.

    So, the question is whether or not everyone will do it or not? A 50% take-up rate is all but useless. What would people pay? A full test costs up to 300 euro, as there needs to be a medical professional reading the results but I'm seeing if they can just do the coronavirus test for a lot cheaper. I think 50 USD is the top end of what clients would pay? I know we'd do it and in fact, mandatory testing would dramatically increase the chances we can travel in October.

    Just curious,
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I wouldnt see any harm in that, I dont think it would put people off traveling.

    I think Jamaica did or do have something similar in place, probably other countries too. The problem is the number of test kits and whether Mexico would be able to get enough, also delays and organization.

    You mentioned Starbucks and Coco Bongo. Starbucks has been drive thru only for months and only recently started offering sit down distanced tables in the last 10 days or so, with masks required for service. Coco Bongo and all other bars and clubs will remain closed for a long time yet.

    There will be very little mixing of people outside of hotels for the foreseeable future. There's not much to do and nowhere to go
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  7. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    And here we are going to The Rustic in an hour... masks in-hand, to be put on as we approach the building from the parking lot.

    Personally, I think we're more likely to be injured in a MVA on the way To the restaurant than to catch ninjadeathvirusfromhellonsteroids while in there. I've run some numbers, and the assumptions contained therein made my head hurt.

    A couple of beers, some craft deviled eggs, and those Wild Boar meatballs are in my future. Living my life in fear, is not. Ebola, COVID ain't.

    The above being said, remember in the huge-ass thread where we all started out talking about this I'm all for health-conscious decisions, with some folks being forced, due to real-world existing concerns, to make other decisions... but we've also got to move money around the economy or we're going to wake-up in... November (maybe) and there simply won't be one (an economy, I mean... not that we'd recognize).

    Has anyone seen a fact-specific report that they actually trust as backed in real reporting that gives anyone a true/accurate morbidity rate, stioll? I've yet to see a real one, everything coming past me is still projections. Educate me if you've got one, I'm ready to read...Always.
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  8. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    I keep forgetting.... sorry, man. But she's got such a nice ass and all... I get to drinking, and... you know...

    A "night" of drinking on the golf course? Glow-in-the-Dark golf balls... or did you use the ones that beep?

    The damn game is hard enough without turning off the lights OR adding booze...
  9. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    We quit before dark, just kept drinking. We have played quite a bit of night golf with couples that ends up naked.
  10. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,621 / 14
    I get it.

    Q: "What y'all doin' over there?"

    A: "Just putting balls in holes, man."
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