More Coronavirus Debate

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Jen&Kyle, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. WestHoustonCouple

    WestHoustonCouple Regular Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Houston TX
    +225 / 0
    That great band the WHO said to keep washing your hands with soap sanitizer of 60% alcohol, drinks lots of Tequila with 45% alcohol to keep insides clean, spend hours in healthy sunshine in hot 90 degrees & 90% humidity Cancun weather, & seeing hot sexy naked bodies & Boobs are the best ways to defeat the virus....
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Yep, they don't need you to try to sway them with clickbait headlines from a shitty source that is hated amongst the QR Expat community for plagiarizing and exaggerating their stories for maximum shares to gain ad revenue.

    Absolutely no need for headlines that use the words "could", "should", "might", "possibly", "perhaps", "probably" etc etc. It is speculation, usually with ulterior motives.

    Stick to facts.
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  3. Len from the Floor

    Len from the Floor Addict Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Plano, TX
    +559 / 3
    @ScubaSteve - I am trying really hard to see you your point of view about just ripping the band aid off and seeing what happens. But here is where I get stuck. On June 30th, the European Union (with about 440 million people) had 7132 new confirmed cases. The state of Arizona alone (with just over 7 million people) had 4797 new confirmed cases and the US in total had around 48,000 confirmed new cases. While the EU timeline on reopening has been slower and I am sure there are difference in testing, the US until recently was around 20,000 new cases daily for a long period of time. So why are we unable to achieve the same numbers as the EU?

    My second thought more generally is that we do indeed take risks (unrelated to the virus) every day – we drive cars and can get in accidents, we cross the street and can get hit by an errant driver and on and on. However, we do things as a society to mitigate those risks. With cars, we have speed limits, traffic lights, seat belts, air bags and of late modern computer and electronic devices (back-up cameras as an example) to mitigate those risks. We have building codes that mandate construction rules so that we diminish the risk of building collapses, that mandate fire safety, protect against earthquakes and more. There are 100s or 1000s of these things that mitigate our risks against all manor of things that can be harmful (and yes, some of them are burdensome and some would argue unnecessary). Ands I get that some of things we need to do to mitigate the virus are much tougher than wearing a seat belt. But given the EU numbers (and other countries that have had great success in driving down their numbers), why would we not attempt to do as much as possible to mitigate the virus? It just seems to me we could do better before we throw in the towel and rip off the band aid.
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  4. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    To me, the point is that you are never really “mitigating the virus”. It’s always there whether you open up, or if you go into lock down. In the long game the same number of people die, either way.

    Yes, we have lots of codes to keep us safe. Well that didn't prevent Cuomo from throwing infected people together, and killing thousands in nursing homes, when he had a hospital ship, and a huge tent city in central park that he could have used. Yet zero report on that from the media. Makes us flyover people in the Midwest skeptical of the process, endgame, etc...

    The PGA has started back up, and has about 10 people tested positive over the last four weeks. Most all had hardly any symptoms, and no side effects. Kind of like Fauci said back in February that this wouldn't be any worse than normal flu. What he should have said, is it won't be worse than the flu for almost all healthy people. That would have been a more fair statement.

    At that point you shelter the old and weak, and everybody else gets back at it, and we would have saved more lives, and been that much closer to herd immunity.
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  5. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    It is very simple...herd mentality vs. the rest of the theories.

    No cure just like all the the corona viruses...including the common cold.
    Treat your symptoms and it will go away eventually or simply potentially kill you...just like any flu or illness.

    Nature will always take it’s course and is and always be stronger than man.
    No stopping it and delaying it will only make it stronger and worse in the long run.

    Some do say manmade, yes, and now nature mat simply mutate it and make it worse.
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  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Once again a useful thread about Post Reopening Reviews of TTR has been high jacked by the COVID brigade.

    The off topic posts have been moved to a new thread here in the Off Topic forum where they belong.
  7. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    Good call to try and keep Covid talk out of the main pages. It’s liable to infect every thread (no pun intended!)

    I wanted to give a somewhat balanced opinion as a person who is desperate for a return visit to my 2nd home. I’ve read the posts about the first trickle of people coming back with symptoms. Covid being at the hotel wouldn’t surprise me. It shouldn’t surprise anyone, because Covid is everywhere! TTR (and I’m sure every hotel in Cancun) are absolutely doing what they should to keep people safe, but they can’t guarantee a 100% Covid-free environment because nowhere can. You can carry the virus and be asymptomatic. You can catch it and not show symptoms for days. You can even take a test, and it may give you a false negative result. How the hell can anywhere be 100% safe? Well, you could lock yourself away at home for the next couple of years, and tell our governments to keep everywhere closed indefinitely whilst millions lose their jobs and the economy goes down the toilet. Or, we can be sensible about this and admit that whilst it’s absolutely necessary that we all get back to living our lives in the outside world, the outside world has changed and we need to respect that and follow the rules.

    Covid isn’t going away any time soon, and realistically there won’t be a vaccine for years (if ever). I think even if we were all locked down for another year, there’d still be a massive spike in infections, soon as people start going about business as usual because many haven’t realised yet how much the world has changed, and aren’t being as vigilant as they should be about spreading the infection. Lockdown isn’t the answer, it’s making things so much worse. It’s people’s attitudes towards infection prevention and control that needs to change. Where this virus is concerned, I feel like it’s absolutely true that we’re only as strong as the weakest link. All it takes is one asymptomatic person not following hygiene advice to spread it everywhere.

    As far as vacation is concerned, I’d feel safer if stricter rules were mandatory. Nobody likes social distancing (particularly missing out on those awesome TTR hugs!), or wearing face masks, or washing hands so excessively, but it feels so important right now, with no safety nets in place (a vaccine, drugs that reduce severity, herd immunity). Disinfecting and taking guest’s temperature when they check in is a good start, but there’s more as guests we could be doing to reduce infections. You can talk and laugh in a group without touching other people. You could be ordering drinks rather than crowding around the bar. We could (although I hate them myself) be wearing face masks. Body shots (they’re the best, aren’t they?) are probably quite a risk these days too.

    Before you call me out, I agree this is all ridiculously clinical and not what people want to pay to go on vacation for. Rules like this would be taking away a massive part of TTR’s appeal, but isn’t it better to be there (or on vacation anywhere to be honest!) with more stringent restrictions in place, rather than these half-measures we have right now, which I honestly don’t think go far enough and it wouldn’t surprise me if we start seeing big spikes in Covid cases in vacation destinations all over the world. If this was a short-term problem, then I see how it’d affect people’s decision to go away, but things are going to be this way for a long time! Can’t we all just agree changes need to be made and we have to live with them for a year or so until herd immunity or a vaccine can help?

    Bigger picture though, nowhere is trying hard enough. Here in the UK they’re opening the pubs back up again on Saturday and it’s going to be carnage. People are treating it like a public holiday! Last weekend, in my home city, thousands of people gathered in a tiny part of the city to ‘celebrate’ Liverpool’s premier league win. Who amongst them had a thought for Covid infection rates?? We’re going to see a huge spike in Covid cases in a few weeks, and everyone will blame the government for not doing enough, when it’s us ourselves that need to be sensible about these things.

    Sorry that’s rather a wall of text. Rant over. I’m looking at dates to book my next trip. Soon as some personal issues get cleared up (currently going through a redundancy process, although I ‘think’ I’m safe) I’ll be booking to come back. Just with a lot of hand sanitizer and a different attitude to what and what not I’ll be doing whilst enjoying the sun.
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  8. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    On a more positive note, it's known that Covid can attach to clothing and live there for a while, which is a massive reason for everyone to get as naked as possible at all times. Topless at the pool is all of us doing our part to keep the virus away :)
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  9. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    Sorry I went into it. I will limit that moving forward, and have tried my best for that the last many months.
  10. DannKathy

    DannKathy Guru Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    cleveland heights ohio
    +285 / 2
    I'm going to speak my piece here, and if it gets us booted off I can live with that. We're not going any time soon, my wife has COPD and I take Xarelto(blood thinner). We love the place (9 time visitors) but it's not worth the risk for us. I see where the trend is down as to median age and I'll assume it's got to do with social distancing (bars, beaches, protests etc.). I had posed the question on here a few weeks ago about the hotel protocol if a guest or employee gets sick and got roundly poo-poo'd about it. Now I'm reading on some Facebook pages where people are coming home with it. I'm sure it's not rampant and you can't be sure if it was had at the hotel, airport, transfer, but that's all part of the journey. I didn't see any of these type things on Steve's FB page, not sure if they've been removed or what. We opted out of that group. (it's ok for Steve to ask for people to bring car parts to Mexico but not ok for me to wish my EMT daughter well as FEMA deployed her to New Jersey to fight the virus which was deleted?????????) I like you alot Steve, we've had many conversations but that's a double standard in my book. Censoring opinions about this whole thing isn't right. I'm sure it's hurting your business badly and I truly feel bad about that. Cancun's great but it's not Shangri-La. I wish like hell this thing never happened, but it's here and it'll have to be dealt with for the foreseeable future. Avoiding the topic doesn't make it go away. Peace health and safety to all.
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