More Coronavirus Debate

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Jen&Kyle, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. spotme

    spotme Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 11, 2019
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    +24 / 1
    Cancer stats. Pretty bad. And the peak Covid death stats were worse than cancer ones when Europe was at its worst. Same story in the USA. To put it in perspective, about 1600 people (USA), die from cancer daily, this on average of course. Two days before thanks giving, over 2000 Covid deaths were reported. So there is something to be said about controlling spread so that we can minimize death while we await a fix. And it is not say this should always involve a shit down. How lethal is COVID-19 compared to cancer, accidents, flu and other causes?

    At this point we probably should all just agree that Covid is a highly communicable disease, whose control is currently dependent on us as much as it is the public health experts appointed to figure out how to strike a balance between not being too disruptive while also valuing life. It is not an easy balance, and the answers are ever evolving. Patience, kindness, empathy, and a little selflessness will get us through this. And of course, science.
  2. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    The issue I have with the Covid death rates are that nearly ALL deaths are being attributed to Covid, no matter cancer, heart attack, stroke, flu, automobile accident, etc.
    Where are all the flu deaths that are present each and every year??
    Especially if post more dim test reveals a positive result...and that happens frequently.
    And there are still many false positives.
    Yes, a communicable disease much like the flu and past corona disease.
    The so calked experts were caught flat footed on this one and basically there are no experts.
    They are simply fumbling their way through this based on the past and have their fingers crossed that it will simply weaken and go away...until the next time.
  3. The Gringos

    The Gringos Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I am literally a chair on the board of a statewide charity, specifically working with the poor, whose homes are still underwater from hurricane season. Don't tell me I 'forgot' when we encounter things like children eating mangrove bark because their parents died of Covid and the garbage dumps chase them off. Do you know the poor here breed pigeons to eat when they have nothing else?

    Mexicans matter. If you think possibly exposing them to Covid, coming from the worst affected area in the world, is worth their risk..that's a you thing. They're hand to mouth, they don't have a choice but to get your drinks, terrified that if they get sick they can't afford, or wont be able to get treatment. Next time you're down here, I'll show you around, see if you change your mind.

    'Holier than though' is just a lazy way of saying 'I wish this person didn't point out how much I don't care about other people"

    Let me know a day so I can plan ahead! Feel free to msg me if you would like to make a donation, I'll point you in the right direction.
  4. spotme

    spotme Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 11, 2019
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    +24 / 1
    I think that narrative (“ALL deaths are being attributed to Covid, no matter cancer, heart attack, stroke, flu, automobile accident, etc.”) is simply misleading. Not intentionally by you, but in general I must say. If I die of liver failure as a result of a bad cancer in my liver, we may be right to attribute my death to liver failure. But to do so while making the argument that cancer was not what led to my demise would be untrue. There are some good studies out there that measure yearly death rate. They show Covid impacting the USA to the tune of over 200,000. Simply put, even if you did not assign a label to disease, our deaths in America this year are over 200,000 higher than was projected before Covid. Quite on par with the stats on Covid related deaths. At this point the science does not even come close to disputing the impact of Covid on morbidity and mortality. Covid, far worse than the flu at this juncture.
    That being said, I get both sides of the argument. I think you assess personal risk, family risk, public health risk, make unbiased informed decision on how you can reduce/mitigate that risk, then own your decision.
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  5. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    Rational discussion above. Well done, y'all.

    So, now we've been through the COVID ringer as well. No fun. Over now.

    I think that what The Vid actually does, is make you physically feel as if you were 34.7 years older than you actually are when you get it. So, if you're 50, then you "feel" 84.7 years old. My family tends to live into the early to mid-90s, so I felt like shit, was grumpy like my grandpa and generally was about as energetic and efficient in what I did all day for about two weeks.

    But, if I was already 66.... Hmmm. It'd be over 100 and that might not work out so well. I think that is the mechanism it's using to "get us."

    (I am kidding. My theory doesn't yet take into account the younger people who got really bad and died. I'm working on an alternate track for them. I'm not getting anywhere very quickly however.)
  6. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    Holier than though comment is uncalled for.

    I understand your stance and comments and understand you now live in MX, but is still risk vs. reward for those fortunate enough to have a job at a resort (in this context, TTR, Desires).
    We typically do not leave the resort much if any at all so are a bit isolated.
    Yes, I know the workers go home.
    Same issue everywhere.
    Same with know we do have it in the US too!

    I don’t need to prove anything to you or your MX charity but will add this...
    I also know the area, have been around to see said poverty (yes quite stunning and alarming even not far from even hotel zone) .
    For sure all countries do have different living standards.
    We have already contributed $1000s, and I mean multiple $1000’s, of my US dollars to MX charities.
    If you don’t believe me ask Chinos and some others.
    And I mean charity donations and not the extra $1000-$150o extra tips to staff each trip (above and beyond the cost of hotel).
    They work hard and deserve it and may/must need it.

    So risk vs. reward, plain and simple...for them.
    Tourism shut down by government or if we stop visiting is the same...they lose jobs and join the already large population living in poverty.
    This adds to the problem.
    None of us know how many family or friends that each worker with each job supports.

    Again, everyone must put a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food/drink in their bellies by some means

    But send me a link, I will check out your charity of choice and I will make a donation assuming it is on the up and up and I find it worthy of my hard earned American dollars.

  7. Garry n Jo

    Garry n Jo Guru Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    +680 / 9
    After just getting over the COVID and I did test positive I can say this about the Virus. It was nothing more than the common cold at least for me and the others I know that have had it. Was feeling under the weather for a day or two then I was fine for the rest of mu mandatory stay at home. I understand it affects people differently and I might have been lucky who knows. Last January I thing I had it as well and my illness was way worse and lasted about 3 weeks.
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