Was great meeting you guys too. Been reading your posts for a few years now.Finally found out personally that you guys live up to the craziness They carry a cheaper form of Sambuca at the resort bars. Seems like people liked it though.
I was a Sambuca virgin...........so if they feed me shit I didn't know it. I will try some stuff at home and then maybe I will also think it is shit. But Hey I had a great time and loved every minute of my vacatiion. Next time I may have to sleep more if Delicious will let me. I need a vacation from my vacation. I am still exhausted. Chet are you coming next April?
We will get to Temptations about 4;30 pm on the 23rd. Hope we will get tio say Hello. Maybe I can get Pam loopy before her flight.
Glen/Monique Great meeting you guys down there finally, We were able to get a few nights in before you had to go. I am putting together my pg13 picture trip report after I rest my liver for a few hours. Hopefully next year we can all come and go at the same time... You and Glenn are a lot of fun to hang out with and 2 nights just isnt enough lol
2/3 Shot of Sambucca with 1/3 shot of Jaegermeister floated on top.....tastes exactly like a Good N Plenty piece of candy.....
Thanks Jim we enjoyed hanging with you and Chet too. I think we will try to make it again next April. woody says it will be April 7th next year. We will try to plan more that way.
Monique and Glenn is was really nice meeting you two. I am working on my TR, we had a great time. Did you ever find your bracelet?