I am from uk and wondering what is best to use ..mexican pesos or usd also wondering if there are any karaoke bars and bars with entertainment for familys and not all adults only bars and nightclubs. Please help!
Coming fromt he UK it ouwld be better for you to convert straight to pesos, rather than Pounds, to Dollars to Pesos... You can use either peso's or American dollars over there. But you might be better to use your pesos..
Depending where you are staying many resorts feature nights with Karaoke at the hotel. Where are you booked?
There are a few karaoke bars in downtown Cancun but they aren't places you'd bring a family. They are bars in the true sense of the word.
Hi, please click the link below where I answered a similar question on money for people from the UK yesterday: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=28901 As for Karaoke, then I think you would like "MyPlace" it's family friendly and in the Hotel Zone.
Family Entertainment Cheers everyone for your replies...I am staying at Barcelo Costa Cancun for your reference