Miss Temptations October Hopeful Needs YOUR Help!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by sunlover79, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. sunlover79

    sunlover79 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Travis and Angie, thank you and have FUN. We just got back a week ago and I'm already jealous of you guys who still have vacation to look forward to :) Give T and Christian a hug for me.
  2. WICancunlovers

    WICancunlovers Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2005
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    Western Wisconsin
    +7 / 0
    Hi Hillary

    you have our vote as well.
    Havent seen you and Dustin in a couple of years. Maybe our paths/vacations will cross again
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I dont want to dishearten you Hilary (btw good to see you back here again) but I think this Miss Temptation thing is a bit of a scam.

    We've had about 4 or 5 Miss Temptation monthly winners seeking votes here in the last year and there always seems to be a rival, who no one can really remember, that wins in the end. People have posted before how an unknown candidate suddenly gains 100 votes within the space of minutes when it's a close run thing.

    As an Internet marketer myself I can see that this is all about collecting email addresses, so that TTR can then send voters direct mails with sales offers and also to gain inbound links to their site from places such as this. It's quite clever really... if you dont have much in the way of morals.

    Anyhoo, I remember you and Dustin from many a past cancuncare booze cruise and you were always life and soul of the party. You got my vote albeit from a false email address (it counts just the same -just make one up). I wish you luck but please dont be surprised if someone no one knows ends up only just winning in the end.
  4. RayandJan

    RayandJan Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2003
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    You got it, nice to meet you guys, does he always wear these swim suits?
  5. sunlover79

    sunlover79 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Todd&Marie, thank you so much. I think we met you on our second trip to Blue Bay Getaway--that was a few years ago. Hopefully we will see you again. Do you usually go in February?

    Ray and Jan, it was SO great to meet you! And yeah, he does always wear those swim suits in Cancun. NOT up here in Chicago, though...nor do I wear my thong bikinis anywhere other than on vacation. We like to cut loose a little when we're out of the country : )

    Steve, thanks for chiming in. I hope you and Janet and your little one (Daniela?) are doing really well. Working in marketing myself, I'm well aware that this is all a means of collecting email addresses for direct marketing. Fortunately they allow an opt-out so friends who vote aren't automatically sentencing themselves to a lifetime of promo emails. It's most important to me that they keep that promise.

    I did go into this thinking that there may be someone behind the scenes pulling the strings to send the contest in a certain direction for whatever reason. Afrer all, I don't think I've ever played a cheat-free game of tequila volleyball, and I'm pretty sure I've lost crazy darts at least four times just because they know I won't sue the resort for covering me in eggs and flour. Hopefully that's not the case here, but no worries--I won't have to be institutionalized if I lose. :lol: If anything, it's been a great excuse to spend more time (maybe too much time) on Cancuncare and catch up with vacation buddies I haven't seen for YEARS!

    Again, hope you're all well and thanks for the votes!
  6. JimnJodi

    JimnJodi Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hi Hillary! Got my vote too. We should meet up sometime...Chi-town is about 2 1/2 hrs from us! Good luck.
  7. sunlover79

    sunlover79 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Aww, thanks Jim and Jodi. Hearing from you reminds me of a crazy few days on Isla Mujeres right before we got married! We should get together--you may be the only vacation friends we have who aren't on the east coast :( Please let us know if you're ever in Chicago. I can always use an excuse to go out for dinner or drinks :)
  8. Aquaholic

    Aquaholic Addict Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    You got our vote...Always have to support our fellow Chicagoians.....Good luck on the free trip..
  9. sunlover79

    sunlover79 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Thank you, Paul and Liz! Chi-town love :) You two are freakin' beautiful, by the way. My god, what a perfect couple.
  10. Waste

    Waste Moderator Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Georgetown, Ontario
    +0 / 0

    The viennese oyster sounded fun... Found a pdf online to send the gf at work, as I'm sure a direct link or "instructional" video would never make it through her firewall. After careful review, we concluded that some physical preparation including much stretching would be needed before hand to avoid injury and decided to try it out over the weekend when we would have enough time to prepare.

    Well, that didn't happen... I came home from the bar last night. Was only suppose to go for an hour or two... Wasn't my fault... They had 32oz schooner's on sale all night. After stumbling into the wall and dresser a few times trying to get undressed, I woke up Miss Waste. She didn't look too happy (not that I could see straight), but I did see her look over to her nightstand clock before asking me: "Do you know what time it is???" She just looked at the clock... what is she asking me?

    Honestly, I had no clue... but I knew that was the wrong answer... It would make me seem irresponsible coming home on a Wed and not even know what time it was... I couldn't let that happen - not after leaving my car at the bar instead of parking on the lawn... I was on a "responsibility" streak and wanted it to continue. Thoughts started flashing quickly. It's after last call. I'm in Ontario now, what time is last call in Ontario? I know it's early, but how early??? Is it earlier on weeknights? Maybe I can cover 1 eye and read the night stand clock and not look too suspicious... Wait, I know what time it is.

    "Yes I do - It's OYSTER TIME" was my reply.

    Skipping many of the details... after some talking (maybe drunken begging), surprisingly, the oyster project, or DOV (Drunken Oyster from Vienna) as it's referred to today due to inebriated pronunciations and improper translations last night, was a go.

    Without wasting any time for preparation, stretching or foreplay, just in case she fully woke up and changed her mind or that I passed out, we dove right into it. She couldn't quite get her ankles crossed. So with the help of a pillow and some brute force, phase 1 was complete. In case you're wondering, the pillow was used in case any sounds would have to be muffled as to not wake anyone else up.

    About 190 push-ups into it... ok, maybe 22 drunken girl push-ups, I twisted my shoulder. It's still really sore today and goes right up both sides of my neck. It hurts just to type.

    Again, as a reminder to all guys, make sure you stretch first.

    btw... I voted too.
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