Miss Temptation week posts

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by twojays, Jan 14, 2011.

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  1. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    Everything you just said, i agree with 100%. It's not me thats screwed up, its the rest of the world!!! Cut it out with your me against the world attitude
  2. racer1510

    racer1510 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    Sounds like you better quit betting on pool to me..
  3. Nicoe

    Nicoe Newbie Registered Member

    Dec 15, 2010
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    Alex and I wish to thank you for your post. We also wish to thank all of the finalists and their guests for a super week. As to the name calling and innuendos, we do not condone this behavior and do not support certain comments from the poster named dirty boy. We also believe that the Miss Temptation Contest is about making new friends, having fun and of course the promoting of The Temptations Resort. Its not about name calling, bad feelings or "he said she said" attitudes. Yes, we were there as support for our daughter but, we also wanted to have fun. As for the "marketing", Echo promoted and marketed herself well and she was the only one that went the extra mile to hand out a memorandum (postcards) for the guests and resort staff. You cannot fault her for originality, right??

    During the week the contestants were busy with their photo shoots, contests, etc. The comment above, "It was clear from the start that Echo and her team had a mission to win and wanted NOTHING to do with the rest of the girls and their guests." It's about semantics, we did not consider us as her "team", but as her parents supporting their daughter. On the other end of the spectrum, you say that we wanted "NOTHING to do with the rest of the girls and their guests", it seemed that not very many of you or your guests/mates came up and introduced yourselves to us either. See, its all about the perception or semantics of a particular poster. Could this situation have been prevented, ABSOLUTELY!!

    We shouldn't allow ourselves to be pulled into negativity and resentment towards one another because of the cynical views of some.

    We too have made lots of friends over the week and can honestly say that Alex and I have NEVER rudely dismissed or ignored anyone that we met over the week. Furthermore, we have taught Echo the same values. If you or the others felt slighted by Echo, Alex or myself, it was NOT intentional and we apologize if it appeared that way.

    As to Echo's whereabouts on the free days: she was interacting with other guests and resort staff. The guests that she interacted with truly appreciated the effort that she displayed in making their week a fun and memorable one.

    ALL of the contestants are beautiful and wonderful ladies. We are happy to have had a chance to meet a few of them and wish we could have met them all.

    Cancun Care is an excellent vessel for fun and excitement for Cancun, The Temptation Resorts and The Original Resorts Group. We appreciate that everyone is honest and forthcoming with their views in their posts. This makes it easier to make new friends and plan exciting vacations with one another. Alex and I will remain members and hope to be able to get to know all of you better so that our next trip back will be more enjoyable for all.

    In conclusion, we wish everyone well being and happiness in ALL their future endeavors.

    P.S. Since we did not bring our laptop this week, Alex and I wish to CONGRATULATE Vanessa on her Online Favorite's Vote win!

    Alex & Nicoe
  4. twojays

    twojays Addict Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    We had another wonderful time at the resort. When Jenessa and I got there we were really worried that it was going to be this competitive atmosphere that would get just out of comtrol. We were so wrong!!!! We meet so many people that we are truely proud to call friends in and out of the competition and would gladly travel by plane, car, or motorcycle to see.
    Not one girl was upset that echo wouldnt hang out with them at any time. Most were like "to each their own". What they were upset about was her down right refusal to interact with them at any time. Watch the you tube videos, at no time does she get within a couple of feet of the rest of the girls. One girl asked her to come and join them on Monday morning her answer was "she has no interest in being with them". She also walked into where all the girls were changing at the XPLORE event and said to the group "ok so who has real boobs". LMAO but then walk out.
    Now with all of that , she did win and congrats on that. She was the only girl that played the game that Mario said not to play.
    We will go back to meet the people we met there, we will travel to meet the people we met there. I doubt she can say the same thing, she came there to win.
  5. SethandDee

    SethandDee Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    I agree 100%....we were there for the week enjoying the company of ALL the contestants...and they were AMAZING. They helped make our first trip to TTR a very memorable one and we will most likely go back, and hope to connect with them again in the future. My husband is the kind of person who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and suggested that the reason for Echo's distance from the group was because her parents were there and she didn't want to get silly in front of them. This belief was corrected by a couple of the girls when they told me that she stated to them directly that she had "no interest in socializing with them, this is a contest and I came to win".....congratulations, mission accomplished. My only issue with this whole discussion is that the mud slinging is unnecessary. In life we meet people we like, and people we don't like...I choose to surround myself with the people I like that like me back. So why don't we all just act like the adults we're supposed to be and not address the silly games that some people play.
    It was an amazing week full of memories we all won't soon forget:) Cheers to new friendships!!! Take care everyone.....and add me on FB.....Photo editing is underway;)
  6. Laboomstarz

    Laboomstarz Regular Registered Member

    May 28, 2010
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    Ok… I promised Tonia I would stay out of the fray (I also promise not to look at boobies in the sexy pool and we all know how hard that is to do?) but there is too much being said that is not true and a lot that is being overlooked that could use some exposure.

    First: This was a great opportunity for all the contestants to enjoy a week of competition, relationship building and of course HARD WORK! And yes all the girls worked their asses off…including Echo.
    Here is the root of the debate…this was not a contest it was simply a PROMOTION.
    I have many years of professional modeling and theater/show promotion experience (in my younger days) and I am quite familiar with these promotional/marketing and other legitimate competitive events.
    While 10 of the eleven contestants were forced to follow the contest guidelines there were clear and favorable exceptions granted to Echo.
    - Only Echo and her team were permitted to post professional model picture post cards all over the resort including within the cast directory wall posters and the front check in desk. This led many to believe that she was already the Miss. Temptation winner.
    - All the girls were required to pole dance during the finally while surrounded by professional dancers and yet Echo was the only one granted an exception to perform her Hula-Hoop routine with additional solo stage time.
    - I witnessed and later confirmed that during the grand finally a suspect program change where Mario cut the professional Hula-Hoop performers from the show to avoid competing with Echo’s performance. We saw them perform earlier in the week and watched them preparing back stage for their performance when they were told just before going on that they were cut. Their dejection was quite obvious. I guess it was ok for the other 10 girls to go head to head with professional dancers but this was not acceptable for Echo to do the same.
    - Each girl was also expected to answer and demonstrate responses to Temptation style questions…I think we all know what these are? While each girl answered these mostly embarrassing questions with a combination of wit, sex appeal and a lot of blushing Echo refused to answer stating that …”she does not kiss and tell”. A complete cop out for a supposed graded portion of the competition.

    Do these favorable allowances make her a bad person? Absolutely not…but I am sure that the rest of the girls would love to have received additional talent time and exceptions on stage as well. I would certainly put Tonia’s artistic skills against hula-hooping any day. They preferred treatment did however eliminate any legitimacy to the contest format making this a PROMOTION as I stated above.

    As for the childish comments of the appropriately named Dirty_Boy…you would be wise to not to disparage our wives and significant others with blanket comments, especially when you would certainly not do so in our presence. I know that Tonia made several attempts to invite and encourage Echo’s interaction with the group only to have her pull further away. Oh…and yes it was me behind Echo and company in line at the final dinner and I clearly heard her response to the manager requesting a separate table from the group. When told that there were already tables prepared for the group Echo said and I quote…”This is my vacation and I do not want to sit with them. I would like a table for just us four.”
    As for your comments regarding drinking and cliquing at the pool you are dead wrong about them not working the crowd. Unlike Eco who only showed up at the sexy pool to hula hoop near the bar and during her self promotions, the rest of the girls actually interacted within the spirit of the sexy pool activities. They played the staffs games, encourage others to play and yes occasionally went topless. They interacted and promoted the TTR experience. Echo’s lack of interaction would lead one to think that she would have been much more comfortable at the quiet pool and not use the sexy pool simply to drum up votes. It is funny how all the contestants got along except one and even more humorous how you point the finger of blame at everyone else except the one who deserves it.

    Bottom line is that despite our individual preferences for our gal’s to do well the top contestants could not have been more that a few points apart in scores. Given the 5 point lead generated by Vanessa for winning the Most Popular title I see no way for anyone to have beaten her.

    TTR would have been better off simply inviting the contestants to appear and support a pre-chosen winner. This would have prevented some of the obvious complications and promoted an even greater camaraderie between the girls.
    All the girls are winners and have created lasting friendships; unfortunately this can not be said about one of them.

    MRMRSDIESEL Guru Registered Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Wholly fuckin shit Sean...you have laid ALMOST all of it on the table...Im about to go mobile and will reiterate more from my pc a bit later...
  8. twojays

    twojays Addict Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    WOW Sean, well said! While my post will not be as detailed as Seans, I wanted to state my agreement. It is interesting to me that dirty boy has posted in defense of Echo and stated we were all a clique that pushed her away when it was infact the opposite. It was obvious to all of the girls and a large portion of the guests that Echo had no interest in participating with the rest of the girls, even though it is what Mario had requested. As this was a promotional event, the resort had requested we all be friendly and be together all week. I mean really why esle would the resort save all of us seats togther? I would like to explain that none of the girls have disputed the fact that Echo earned her position, she worked hard and photographed well. The issue - it seems- is that she did exactly what Mario asked us all not to do - be mean, competetive, and non interested in the other contestants. I could tell you every name of the contestants, their mates and many more interesting detailes about them because we spent time with them, got to know them, and made friends with them. Actions speak louder than words and if one contestant cannot tell you the name of her "competitors" thats a loud statement. Dirty boy your statements on cancuncare are ill advised and you would be wise to accept that yours and Echos actions were not appreciated and were well understood. Name calling and poor analogies of pool playing are not winning you any friends. You had your chance to make friends and make a consious decision to not do that. The discontent is obvious and not for the reasons you have stated in your posts. Your girl chose to do what the resort asked us not to and there is where everyones issue lies.
  9. Tanya J

    Tanya J Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2010
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    Hi guys and gals....I have been reading all of the comments that have been made about this past week. Yes Echo won......but there have been comments made by certian ppl that the rest of the contestants stayed together in a clique and didnt associate with the rest of the ppl at the resort. Wrong. We were there together and hung out together (minus one) as we were supposed to do.....to promote the event. I was there for the competition last year and ALL the girls hung out as a group......promoting the week. If they wanted us not to..they wouldnt have had us come back TOGETHER !!! We were all winners to even get back there in the first place. And I consider myself an even bigger winner for coming home surviving an event like that with my head held high, and with my pocket full of memories and amazing new friends from all over that I would have never had the chance to meet otherwise. Ladies, we did what we were there to do.....have fun, be beautiful, promote the resort..and leave with an amazing experience under our belt.
    If they have chosen her to be the face of an "ADULT experience" resort......thats fine......but seriously...then you have to loose the circus act. There is my bitch. :)
  10. SethandDee

    SethandDee Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    Sean....you rock my world;) (it's D:)) and Bill you said EXACTLY what I was thinking when I was reading Sean's post, I'm still laughing....
    Amazing group of people that I feel more than blessed to have met and spent time with...I look forward to seeing all of you again some day:)

    "If they have chosen her to be the face of an "ADULT experience" resort......thats fine......but seriously...then you have to loose the circus act. There is my bitch. :)" Loves it Tanya;) Well put!
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