Haha I know its crazy isnt it?! What did you get painted as before? It does look cool doesnt it? I guess it wont take as long with an air brush either..? I was being painted for about 6 hours before!!! Argh Im so excited...I bet these next two weeks will fly by (Im hoping so anyway!!!!!!
Party We have 2 weeks left till we arrive (8 of us on the 19th). The Miss Temptation Finals will already have begun. Good luck to all the girls, have fun. Thanks to Bill and Mindi for planning a few extra theme evening events. Lots of familiar faces and hopefully some new friends. :beer4:
Wrist bands are in woo hoo. Miss Temptation on one side and the dates on the other . They look pretty cool.
Oh, I was just painting myself..hehe! Nothing in particular. I was trying some paint out. I can't imagine sitting for 6 hours.
I got wristbands for all. We got enough for everyone participating in the contest and a whole bunch of the cancun care people. MrMrsdiesel and Jenessa and I designed them for this week. They look pretty cool. seth and Dee we got you covered all the way
We're arriving on the 19th (can't wait) for our first trip to TTR and can't wait to meet a bunch of people. If there are wristbands available for us non-Miss Temptation people we'd love to get in on them. It's a little daunting making our first visit when so many people already know each other...
We PROMISE, you'll know almost EVERYONE by the end of your first day. That is what makes this resort and this party so unique...:ernaehrung005::3some::bj:
I too would like to purchase one of the wristbands if you have any left. (arriving Jan 18th) Good luck to all of the Miss Temptation Winners.
MrMrsdiesel and I ordered enough wristbands for all of us we hope. Just email us or post if you want some and we will make sure that we save them for you. In case anyone is counting 11 more sleeps then we leave. Our plane takes off at 9am on Saturday that puts us at the sexy pool bar at 1:30pm saturday. But who's counting.