Just processed the extra email votes that we could. We might all have to fly you to TTR in January just to show them what they MIGHT miss!
I agree! You have been awesome about posting pictures and need to go to show them up!! OK people. CancunCare was great to me two years ago when I competed and has supported multiple people from 2010 but there has been very few winners for 2011. We need to represent. If you haven't voted for whatever reason, just think, we had CancunCare members win by only 20 votes out of thousands..... your vote really will count. Please take the time. Good luck Vonda. I hope you go all the way! I would count myself lucky to meet you at the resort sometime!
2hrs left!! Only 2 hrs left and now I'm down by 26 votes! Help me people!!! Go vote! You can only vote once per email but you can vote from multiple emails. Call all your friends and tell them to vote! PLEASE VOTE!! Miss Temptation Contest 2011 THANK YOU STEVE FOR CREATING SUCH AN AWESOME FORUM!! WIN OR LOSE, WE'LL SOON PARTY ON THE Boobs Cruise AGAIN!!
Thank you both! I plan on many days by the sexy pool! I'm sure we will meet and drink and have fun at TTR soon
Voting is still going!! good news cancuncare!!! the voting is still going on until 12:00pm cancun time. I am currently only down by 4 votes. We can still win this. Please vote, vote, vote! It's going to be a very close race. Help me represent Cancuncare.com...Miss Temptation Contest 2011
Did I mention I really want to go on another Boobs Cruise :flash: The last one was an amazing :wink3::wink3::wink3: Anybody want to join us in January??