they were discussing this on the news this morning..and were showing 2 different pictures..on the TV I saw blue and black on both pictures..the wife saw one blue and black and one white and gold..the picture posted here i see white and gold..interesting
Yes a Temptation vacation is needed badly and we've only been back a month (a tough month at that) but I haven't noticed this frozen north you speak of as it has gotten almost out of the single digits 'F' many days this last week. That's kind of balmy around here and I have had to resort to my bike (bicycle) commuting in my sexy pool attire being as warm as it has been.
OK, here's another optical illusion for you: Do you see the boat in the picture? Me neither. Totally freaky.
So, Just asked my wife and had my 5 year old son standing beside her....I asked my son first so that he doesn't repeat what his mother sees, and guess what he said black and blue :icon_surprised: (I just asked what colour is this dress did not tell him anything more than that) while wife sees it as white and gold. Surprised as hell!! weird