I'm not as good as some of the others about seperating the days, or maybe I was a little drunker than they were. All my days seem to run together. After all most nights we didn't stop partying untill 5 in the morning. We arrived at the resort friday around noon and started drinking before we got our room. Around 2 are room was ready but amanda and tylers wasn't so they put there stuff in our room until there's was ready. We went back to the pool and started drinking again. We had planned on going out that night but the girls had to much to drink. So we decided to go to go to bed at 8....? Ty and amanda were to drunk they couldn't find there room, which was right above ours, go out our door go up the stairs and it is right there, so funny we laughed about that all week. So we really started are vacation off on saturday. We played all the games that we were around for. We went to bulldogs we didn't really enjoy it but hey the drinks were free so we stayed. What happen sunday? I don't remember that is a day that is a blurr to me I know we did something though. All that partying really is hard on the mind. But monday I know we had a good time we didn't drink to much we played volleyball and all the games. We wanted to make sure we could go to coco bongos. It was the same as last year you seen it once let's get something new now. But we had alot of fun and stayed out late again. Tuesday we work up early, what the hell why can't we sleep in? I'm pretty sure this is the day we went to the flea market just to see what they have. If you know how to work the guys it is fun, if you don't stay away. After getting up early and shopping all day we were tired, so we ate and took a nap. We wake up to go to senor frog's not a good night for melissa alot of shots and more shots we leave around 3, hopeing to sleep in. Wednesday wake up to rain know what "Let's go to walmart and shop." I hate walmart another day of shopping the day is a wash. so we eat and hang out for a little while. And decide to go to basic, It was a great time we always love that place and seeing as how melissa won the wet t shirt contest that made it even better. We decide to leave and get some tacos from the back of this van, lalo said the were the best and safe to eat, they were great. Thursday wake up and NO NO NO I lost my waterproof camera it is still in the cab. We tried to get a hold of the cab driver see if she had it, she said "no" oh well no since crying over spilled milk. Get my other camera out and keep on going. We get tired of eating food at resort and go to margaritaville. They had the best nachos i have ever had. We had to hurry back so we could do the lingerie contest. Yes we all dressed up you will see me in my pictures it was alot of fun. After the show we decide to hang at the resort and hit the bed early, some how we still stayed up untill 3. Friday another beautiful day in mexico, not many left. Hanging around the pool with friend we decide lets do the booze cruise tonight. So we play the games , no tequilla volleyball for me this time I already had 2 ice baths, no thanks. We start the booze cruise sober and ready, We partied hard and had lots of fun, watch out for that bridge :shock: we stumbled of the boat to the bus and on to carlos and charlies, It was really good food and more drinking and partying. Then it was time to go to the city and to be honest with you I had never been to it before and couldn't tell you if I was there then. I remember having fun but don't remember what the place looked like or how long we stayed, it was a really wierd night. Saturday somehow we wake up in our room around 1 in the afternoon, yes we slept in. Man what a hang over that was, we decide we aren't drinking any more. We eat lunch and head down to the pool, and our friends bring us drinks, can't be rude lets drink them. We keep the drinking lite we have to go home sunday. We spend the day getting emails and eating. That night we listen to the live band and have everyone clue us in about friday night, what a night it was :shock: We hit the bed around 2. Sunday we wake up late, crap let's go we hurry our packing, and make it down to the pool to try and meet up with everyone to say bye and get the last emails of those we missed. We still missed a few. We almost don't make it on the plane for some reason our reservation weren't in the computer,what the hell. But we made it home. Ty and amanda were on different flight and got stuck in Chicago all night. That sucked for them. I just want to say to all the people we met you guys were alot of fun we really hope to see all of you agian next year. I would list the names but it would make this alot longer. We met alot of great people and a few of you that i know on here Curt Penny Max and your mate ( I never caught his name) sry Somkey (canon) and other who know meon here I will be getting your emails so we can keep in touch. We love you guys and hope to see you again. http://photobucket.com/guestlogin?albumUrl=http://s488.photobucket.com/albums/rr250/mchldvs8_photos/
Glad you guys had fun. Your recap just made me miss the booze cruise it was so crazy and wild. Loved it. Can't wait for the photos and my husband and I can't wait to return next year.
Well we think we remember seeing you guys at C&C and I believe I saw Mike at the PJ casino. Sounds like you guys had a blast.
I was one of the two guys that were in the contest casino night. I stayed on my feet :lol: We had an absolute blast. Temptation and cancun are great places.
Yeah I thought so! Darcy was the 1st contestant. You guys get any pictures of that to share? I think Cal and Michelle have some for us of us.
I just added a link to my photos in my first post but it is for friends so it is password protected. If you would like to get it send me a private message and I will let you know what it is.
Nice pics! We did manage to find one with Darcy in it (PJ night when all the girls lined up). Thanks. You guys did a much better job getting pics when you were out and about - I hate carrying the gear - bulky and I am always afraid I'll lose it.
hi mike! Sounds like you guys had a blast. Glad to know you made it back safely! I would like to check out your pics, but I don't have the password
Thanks for the report. Sounds like a good time but it sucks about the camera. Can you send me the password? Would love to see "home" and all the fun you had there!