In London Tonight ready to fly out in the morning ☺ be landing at TTR tomorrow tea time eeeek excited
Packing packing packing! It's getting real now! Pack a little more tomorrow then get ready to sleep as much as possible Monday and Tuesday then off Wednesday morning to go hang out with my wonderful girl and all you amazing TTR crazies! Getting very pumped to get outta here!
This being our first trip to TTR we really don't know what to expect but would love to : 1) Meet and party with some sexy new friends :ernaehrung024: (maybe a cute blonde named Melissa :icon_smile 2) Put on a show for others in our jacuzzi. 3) Meet a "friendly" couple (or two) to help with the above show :icon_smile: Can't wait to see you all in a few days!
Now THAT was the sort of reply we were hoping for! And we're always up for a good show!! :huepfen021:You guys being first timers sound like from your list will fit right in!! Cant wait to meet you guys! Please come say hi! Tony & Melissa