During Miss Temptation week, we left the resort a few times for John to get Capt Morgan and to get other beer and liquors. They never forced a body guard on us. Not once did we feel, see or smell a threat...AND, they did the nightly trips into town with a few of our friends being out til 4AM with NOTHING to worry about
We agree with Mr&Mrs Diesel. We were there from the 4th - 18th, went to Wal Mart, visited the Markets and never once felt unsafe. I guess it's like any other City, be aware of your surroundings and you should be fine.
Thanks for the replies. With all the rumors in the news its always nice to hear from people who've been on the ground somewhere...
its very easy for friends and family to get caught up in that wonderfully intense idiotic north american cultural phenomenon called sensationalism we have all done it (self included ) its nice and very comforting to to know that in most every case......... the reality of any given scenario is more than likely not the way in which the media reports it to be its our job to be informed of the actual facts in such regards and to not be so gullible as to let these bozos dictate to us how we live our life be smart there as you would in any other us city and you will more than lilkely come out with only a slight sun burn and a mild hangover the very best rob
Hi Julie We are a couple from Mexico, certainly some cities of Mexico has show an increase in the violence, but this is mainly drugs-related, commonly is in the center of the country or in borders states. I think Cancun, the Riviera Maya and Los Cabos are safety cities, these places lives mainly for the tourism, I think that you as a tourist are even more secure than any others in the town, the safest places are in the whole hotel zone, as in any other city try to be carefull. We were in Cancun last month and we felt than the only thing to carefully watch is the amount of scams forms to sell time share, try to avoid to every person offering something in the airport. The comments about the bodyguard are non sense, unless you are a famous singer or politician. Go to Cancun and have fun!
I would love to know the name of ur friends hotel. I live here and work at numerous hotels and thinks that is total bs. Sorry, but i am a si gle female from philly and i feel more safe here then there. These rumors are getting out of hand. Come here and enjoy ur holiday. If you want to ask me any thing please pm me.
My guess is that if any of the hotels actually are hiring bodyguards, it's just a lame marketing ploy to keep the skittish and overly-paranoid American tourists coming, and not because they are actually necessary.
I have to say this can not be true, sure your friend might have said it but I guarantee it didnt happen, or they misunderstood something. Body guards don't come cheap and surely they are not now included in everyone's All Inclusive Package . In the almost 7 years I've lived in Cancun the situation for tourists has not changed at all. Not one tourist of any nationality has been killed or injured to the best of my knowledge as a result of the 'drug war violence' since I've lived here. Of course, like any where in the world there is petty crime (far less than places like Jamaica and Dominican Rep) which sometimes tourists become a vicitm of, but the violence you read about or see on the TV is almost exclusively between drug dealers vying for territory, those trying to stop them, those who support them and those who resist them. This kind of violence is not targeted towards tourists and the only tourists who have any fear are the misinformed or uneducated. Everyone needs to realise that Cancun is not the 30 km strip of hotels, beaches and nightlcub in the hotel zone, Cancun is a large sprawling city with well over a million people that happens to also have a small part some distance away where tourists visit.
We just got back as well and always felt safe. We took a tour to Coba and several trips to town to clubs, etc. With that said...we were dancing at one club overlooking the street and about 5 military vehicles drove by with guys in riot gear and machine guns... just sayin'.