Here's my take on it. Mexico has its own legal system and if you enter their country you have to expect to play by their rules. Assuming that he did cross the border mistakenly well that's tragic, but he has to work through the process. I heard his phone interview and how the interviewer was really pushing to get him to say that he was mistreated. Now most people know that a Mexican jail is about the last place you want to go, and unfortunately some things seem to have happened. Though I've seen enough prison shows from various American prisons that show it can be equally nasty in the US as well. I know that Americans take their gun rights to heart, but when travelling it is extremely important to remember that very few countries are as permissive in that regard. He committed a crime by Mexican standards. American ones simply aren't applicable. Now all that being said, I hope he is released soon. Serving time in a Mexican prison won't be of a benefit for him or Mexico.
This kind of thing crops up every year it seems. Wasnt long ago a different marine also crossed the border with an illegal weapon. I find it hard to understand why people are 'torn' about someone being caught for committing a crime in a foreign country. Is another country's laws less applicable than your own? Ignorance of the law has never been a valid defence anywhere. And what really grates is the fact that he is a 'marine' seems to be relevant, his profession is as irrelevant as his choice of hamburger. If anything, his profession should make him more aware of his responsibilities regarding guns than less. Those that choose to boycott Mexico for such reasons are welcome to stay away as far as I'm concerned. Although most who say that are so narrow minded that they would never step foot into Mexico in the first place.
THANK YOU! I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to deal with the drama that would follow lol.
I live 10 mins from the US border with Canada in Niagara Falls. I know quite a few people who work as Canada Customs and hear all the stories. Almost everday during the summer months Americans try to come into Canada with firearms. The dont seem to realize we are a separate country. We had one guy who didnt declare his gun was pulled over given the chance to declare again and didnt. The guards searched his car and found his gun. He got arrested spent 4 days in jail and is charged with gun smuggling. He said he forgot he had it in the car. He could go to jail for up to 3 years and all he had to say is yes I have a gun in the car. The gun would have been taken and sent to a gun shop close to his home and the whole thing would have gone away.
How do you forget about a gun in your car? Sure I have an extra bottle of window cleaner under the backseat but I'm pretty sure if I owned a gun I'd make sure I knew where I put it!
I agree 100%. Especially about the part where a Marine should be held to a higher standard than the average Joe.
You should not be torn. People ask us why we visit the US so much? Our answer, it's a beautiful country and most people are very nice, just like people in Mexico. Some people are just not well informed.
I've heard of several people getting arrested at the US/Canada border for bringing in a gun and not declaring it. Whether it's Canada or Mexico you need to know the laws and follow them.