{B78220AE-C352-4034-8B7F-398B261FFE31})&language=EN "Mexico Aims at Tourism with Money Cancun, Mexico, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Mexico wants to give a shot of 1.3 billion dollars to its tourist sector this year with important investments, in order to become among the five most visited countries of the world in a short time, said national executives. Miguel Gomez Mont, president of the Fund to Foster Tourism (FONATUR), made this declaration to specialists and reporters on Thursday, before taking part in the fifth National Forum in Cancun. Eleven Mexican states will benefit from the monetary infusion, as the plan is to surpass the 22 million foreign tourists last year with more varied offers. Far beyond Pacific and Caribbean spas like Acapulco and Cancun, favored destinations will be Aguas Calientes, Coahuila, Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Chiapas, Nuevo Leon and Tlaxcala. New projects will directly generate almost 3,000 new jobs and another 13,000 in support areas. Cancun hopes to build a zoo, not only for tourists, but also for the almost one million people living in the municipality of Benito Juarez, which once was a small port and fishing village."