Has anyone flown this airline? We are scheduled to leave this Friday May 9th and they called today and cancelled out flight and are making us fly to Dallas and Mexico City just to get to Cancun??? Is this lame or is it just me? :cry:
That's why I never fly any of the Mexican airlines. I pay more to fly a direct route and I don't care how cheap the Mexican airline special is at the moment. It's just not worth it to waste an ENTIRE day just trying to get to Cancun, which is only a 3 hour flight from Chicago direct. Even if I have to stop in Florida or Texas because non-stops are sold out or too expensive, it's still better than flying to Mexico City any day!!! Michelle
That's totally freaking lame. Call them and tell them that through contract of carriage rules, they need to get you there sooner by putting you on another carrier - routing you through two cities and 8 hours of flying for a 3 hour flight from Chicago to Cancun is bullshit. For the record though, I've had nothing but good luck with Mexicana - have flown them several times and their service was always impeccable. Not sure what sort of routing bull they are experiencing but that's not acceptable.
We just flew with mexicana on the 18th. We left Pittsburgh on United to Chicago and then Mexicana to Cancun. One of them lost our one suitcase which we got the next day, but we aren't sure who was at fault. If it was United or Mexicana. But it was left in Chicago. But other than that we thought Mexicana was a nice airlines. Flight left on time, served a small meal and drinks. Someone told us that alcohol is also included, but we dont drink on planes since we can't smoke. Anyway, we didn't have any problems with the airlines other than the 1 suitcase. Did they say why they are changing you flight plans? Did they overbook or what. Who did you book thru.
I use to fly with them a lot, when they were part of Star Alliance. One of my top 3 airlines to fly with. Only flown with them once since they withdrew from Star Alliance and still had a great experience. Moving to TRS Chatter.
Thank you, we will try that rule today. I don't want to fly all day by any means... Jamie, let's plan down by the sexy pool on Sat... Can't wait
I guess it's better for you guys to get to Cancun when you get there than to be sitting at home like me, drooling over posts of folks who are going and I'm not going at all...... So...chin up...have a wonderful trip!! Michelle
Good luck on the flight situation, what ever happens you can still relax big time at the sexy pool with unlimited alcohol. Are you guys doing the booze cruise on the 22nd or will you be gone by then?