usually your departure tax and stuff is figured into you flight and or hotel prices! To leave, I have never been asked to fork over money, its always figured in your travel price!
For UK flights you are meant to pay this but both years I have never had to pay it. I would keep it back just incase though mate. Bye Adam
Yeah jason, some countries don't have it included in their price. And I know places like Cuba and such you have to pay something when you depart as well. But I would definately keep the 40 dollars handy just in case..
for cuba, when i went there was a 20 dollar departure tax not included in your package. but americans wouldnt knw about this as they are not allowed to go well not from their country anyways, i remember when i was there there was one american at the resort and when he annoucned it during a game everyone boooooooooed haha
:shock: yes, cubans dont really like america too much, although half their country has tried to come over in make shift boats at one time or another :lol:
its not the cubans that dont like americans. there is a trade embargo therefore they say you dont want to trade we dont want you :-| im sure the regular cubans would love to have you guys there spending your money. castro is the one preventing it.
Well Castro is very ill, and hasn't been seen, reports say he is very sick and may die. And apprently his has previously appointed his military brother temporarily in charge while he has been sick. And I feel sorry for the cubans cause reports claim he is worse than Castro! :? :shock:
why damn castro. in a way i dont blame him. if the american government doesnt want to deal with him on a political level and have foreign trade with the company why let them come in and pillage the place and use up all its natural resources and try to americanize a beautiful country. why let them take and not give in return? anyhooooooo back to departure taxes. not included for mexico for the uk btw it wasnt the cubans booing the american. it was all the other tourists at the resort