The first time we went to TTR we saw a guy that literally wore a sock....a sock for like 4 days. Once he put on a regular pair of swimming looked a little weird on him. lol
Rob here, I've sported a thong during the night, but I only wore it long enough to get a few laughs, then back to the junk trunks.
I wore a thong at night. I didn't have enough liquid courage to wear one in broad daylight though. I had it, but it didn't make it out of the bag. Maybe this year?
Yeah, those of you who know my Husband Bob, Trunks it is. I don't care how many Wet Pussy shots he drank! Yeah, that would never happen ! HA HA, Ang
I'm not a huge fan of guys in thongs, but, like everyone says, no one will give a sh#*. TTR is the most non-judgemental place ever. Rock it if you want to! :aktion033: Carrie