Will they hold you bottle just for you the way TTR does if you bring a special brand of alcohol?? Body shots yes or no?? Do they have a sports pool or are games held in main pool? Do they have channel 12??
Hi Steve, Missed you all last year Jim had a bad back and is having surgery again today in the hope of being able to do the long flight from the UK again next March/April. This new resort is sounding quite promising. Last time we were at TTR we noticed that there was such an emphasis on the timeshare and almost felt segregated from the members such as their own decking, drinks, hot tub on the roof etc, Can you ask if this is going to be the same at GOV. Are they going to be doing the same timeshare segregation for guests. I can understand that they have to have some perks for all that money but for us coming from the UK timeshare is not an option. Hope that you and the family are well and you are fully recovered from your ailments! Jackie and Jim
I see DJ is a question,but, in particular will they have a varied playlist of lets say #1 hits from all genres of music, so as it hits everybody's tastes.
Meeting with Manager at Grand Oasis Viva to answer your 2) because everything closed at 1am so you need to go out if you like to drink at 11pm everybody was sleeping!! and the 3) it's on redtag right now for April!!! it's something like 1399 each plus 700 sonething taxes!! last year I pay 1600$ for both for 7 days! right now it's worth more to go as a premier than going for a a package !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How about a little marketing perks. ie, Cancun members get free wi/fi,or a discount,, or an Extra A' la carte day,,,, free safe (stupid if you have to pay anyway ) just examples Since this group is so big ( thanks Steve) I think they will listen and might offer some incentives. Just print them off the Halloween Roll call or last Aprils roll call to show them the size of the groups.
Gov Hi Steve not spoke b4 . But we have seen the hotel being advertised on Swinging sites and naturist sites as having a clothing optional area . Being European whatever that files us as we would be interested if you could confirm this . Rgds
That just brought something to my mind... will there be takeover weeks? Hate to show up for a vacation and find that half the hotel is blocked off for one group or another or that 75% of the hotel is booked by Gropers Are Us, International.... Oh, and how do they plan to address the gangs of 25 guys traveling as a pack? Jamie
Evening activities / entertainment at night? Steve see if you can get a tour of com parables to TTR's Patio's and Nice Shoes......... Do they have a gym? What sort of equipment? Thanks for taking the time to do this Steve!