Visit, share information At 7 PM, tonight, we'll be getting acquainted and sharing information about such things as where you can find an inexpensive Spanish teacher for beginners, how to find the right housing at the right price, where to go if you need a doctor in the middle of the night, fun things to do that don't cost an arm and a leg, and anything else that comes up for discussion! Maps will be provided so everyone can indicate the locations of their favorite local restaurants, if it's not already Los Arcos! We will also have a chance to talk about where you can go on the different bus routes. There will be food and drink (it's a restaurant, after all, and voting is over!), so it has the promise of being a pleasant and useful get together for those who can attend. _______________________
I will wade my way through the waters to get there in my uuber fancy rain boots. Looks like there will a few of us there.
Rain boots? Oh I'm jealous. I'll be wearing my Rainbow flip flops. It'll be interesting to see if they don't drift away down the Yaxchilan...
So good to meet everyone that was there tonight. V, I sure hope the bill was figured out or you just learned your first "real" cancun lesson....never let them leave til the bill is paid!!!
If anyones up for a beer downtown tomorrow after midnight (when I finish work) then me and the Miss's will be around
Informal get togethers are always a possiblity, Benuk. Tonight was special, with lots of old timers, and a couple of newcomers present. Everyone had a wonderful time, with no regrets, until tomorrow, perhaps. We all got home by 2:00 AM! __________________
Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out. We had a really good time last night!! It was good to put some faces to all these names we see and I'm sure we'll be seeing more... V - thanks for getting the ball rolling and making it all happen. Trina/Bundy - thanks again for the ride home, it was much appreciated :icon_mrgreen: