hey! being that this is my first time in mexico, are there any shots or vaccines i should get before i leave?
hmmm i remember I got a few when I got my passport way back in the day, not sure which ones they were.....not sure they are necessary though, could be wrong
I got them the first year but never bothered since. I think your fine in cancun its if you want to travel inland our out of the way your at risk !
no doubt thanks guys! lol i dont know if anyone knows the answer to this.....if i get the hep A or B shot (say next week) do u think ill b good to party in cancun (lol i know i should ask my doc)
Re: no doubt www.twinrix.ca/en/about/index.aspx this should have all the information you need I had the shot 3 years ago ...i beleive you have to take it every 15 years
hahah....alcohol shots....thats all you need. just to prep the liver.... on a serious note. my dr suggested hep A and B shots along with a couple pills for solmonella...i took them all, just to be safe. i remember the last time i came back from cancun, i was ill for a week or so....