Cinerator! Makes fireball seem like a fruity shot. Shoot it through a milkshake straw if you want to really want to get things going.. but no cheating. You have to get that last little bit out of the glass through the straw :mnm: Royal Fucks are good, Cheap Fucks will work too.. And ditto on what ScubaSteve said.. the random fruity shot around the pool that is made different everytime.. just stay away from the Gasoline, that one will kill you.
This cracks me up, cause we are first timers, trying to get to know everyone, and read as much as this forum as we can, and not knowing scubasteve, but cant wait to meet him, and seeing his avatar picture, I would probably bet he doesnt require much sleep or not too many can or wanna try to keep up with him. Someone please let me know if I am wrong.
Lol. Wait until you meet him. He does go full steam ahead, but thank god he kinda paces himself. Seriously defies all levels of drunkdom. Love him!
Hahahaha thank you all for such kind words. I will really have to make sure I don't disappoint come May. I put in lots of practice this weekend at the bar, and there was even a dance off at one point. Do you think it is a problem when the bartenders show up at your house after they close up and are there until 7am? What a weekend, can't wait for the festivities tomorrow!