SWEEEEEEET you got yourself a DEAL!!!!!:aktion014: We appreciate that VERY much!!! Ill bring a bottle of something so we can over do it:huepfen013: I will be looking for you guys May 10th by 10:30am as our flight comes in at 9am (gives us time to go thru customs and get on the bus) YOU R OFFICIALLY THE BEST!!!!!!!:icon_lol:
:huh::huh: you won't find us....... Cuz we wil be on the Boobs Cruise!!! But will see you guys at 5:30 ish
I don't see nothing wrong with a little BUMP and GRIND, but any bumping from TTR just ain't right! Lol... If they know like I know , they don't want any Pissed off Stray CAT walking around, so they better have a room for one bad ass Kelly CAT! Lol ..
VERY WELL SAID MY JAZZY JJ FRIEND:icon_lol: Cats are ruthless and their craws scar lol.... Heck ill even spray if I have too lol
So who is not going on the cruise on the 16th, our arrival date? Wonder how empty the sexy pool is going to be.
There should quite a few people in the pool since some are getting in the same day as U! I''l miss your arrival but i'll buy u a drink when i return!! :mnm:
We are getting in same day and will be at the pool by noon. By the time Kelly and the rest of the crew get back, we will have the pool rocking.
Beer pong is ordered. Also got 15 micro bikini bottoms, all new, so the losers have to wear them - for the shy. Makes the game more interesting.