We are actually flying in on the 20th so we will be in Cancun 5 nights before checking into TTR. I'm thinking the first day curse shouldn't be an issue then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We are in the SAME situation. It was only a few hundred more to go first class. WTH? We used to get the BOS-CUN RT for around $350 routinely
1, Clothes - Awesome. Perfect 2. I assume the bigger the better. I use a Terviz mug- the large one 3. So bringing one of my USMC shirts might cause a mix-up? That sucks I will have to find one of my old unit or deployment shirts. Nahhhh - bring your USMC shirt. Represent! OOHRAH (Our son is active duty infantry -0 currently deployed) 3(also). I was taught Motrin and water fixes everything but, I never travel without a large box of Alka-Seltzer Cold though it makes sense most people would over look the first aid however, I've never heard of Recoverors. Recoverors are intended to replenish electrolytes and have little sugar. We have had great success with taking one (one packet mixed in water) before bed and one in the am. Check them out on anazon 4. What is the first day curse? Very eloquently answered already 5. USD or Peso? Honestly, we end up with both. However, there has been some discussion on this issue. Would love to hear others' input 6. We'll consider membership after our first visit is over and we fully recover and come to the realization of what we just did. LMAO! We have undertaken the assessment and determined that it is not for us. However, different strokes and all . . . 7. I figure the bigger the mug (from tip 2) the less we have to worry about being shy. LOL! Touche!
Actually, the BIG ones are kind of a pain in the ass. If your Bubba mug is too big, lugging them around gets to be tiresome. Kinda like a perpetual bicep workout. Too small and all you get is ice. I heard someone say once that the nice thing about going a bit too small over too big, is that way you make more trips to the bar where you tend to meet more people. I like the 20oz, see a lot with the 34 oz, bigger than that and it seems to be overkill. The Mrs likes the insulated tumbler with the straw lid more than a mug. We put our names on our cups a while back with stickers, which helps you not lose yours and helps people remember your names. It is embarrassing to have to ask a person's name, when you spent all day talking to them and had great conversation, but you are buzzed and distracted by another beautiful lady walking by nearly naked. The names on the mug help avoid that awkward situation.
To answer question 5, either works fine just so you know the peso is waterproof so if you happen to jump in the pool and then have an oh shit moment and think great the cash is now soaked and I can't tip the waiter don't worry. If you don't want to exchange into pesos as the US dollar is appreciated as well do what I do pack your tip money into a Ziploc / Glad sandwich bag ( freezer bag) the one that has the seal at the top not the fold over variety that way if you jump into the pool your cash stays nice and dry. We use bubba mugs think they're the same size as the official Cancun Care ones Steve has for sale here on the website....perfect size for us not to big not to small had thought about bringing my big ass 52oz one but then I thought wait a minute, even though they say the drink will stay cold for 6 hr's do I really want to take the chance that my drink will get warm or watered down.
John.. I bought our tickets for 500each.. You could have driven to Portland and flown with us waayyy cheaper