So more working day in the living hell called reality, 2 days of prep (packing, yard work etc) and then see everyone on Monday
Hi everyone just wanted to say thanks for the killer weekend did the Boobs Cruise on the may 14 too much fun..... see you next time
This is my favorite type of swim suit! I'm not a fan of BCAD or men in thongs, banana hammocks, etc. You will look great. Happy birthday! It was so great meeting you and everyone else!
Monday Sorry, we're gonna be a bit late !! .... Look forward to seeing you both on Thursday, think it's your round.......:clappyinghappy: xxxx :liebe011:
Kalicouple!! Glad to hear U had a GREAT time on the Boob Cruise!! :mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm: It was an AWESOME time!!!