Fantastic!!! Maybe I'll see U all on the 14th!!! :headbanger::headbanger::headbanger: And Thank U CurtnTammy for helping me out with the cruise on the 14th!! Coming soon!!! artyhorn:artyhorn:artyhorn:
Our first trip to TTR so please be gentle with us lol - out from the 22nd May to 1st June - say hi to us if you are out the same time
Hi gang. Does anyone know if I can get some sleeping pills over there. I struggle to sleep because of the time difference (6 hours) and I don't want it to spoil my vacation. I tried Indurin last time but it doesn't work very well for me. Thanks
What is rain? We kinda forgot what rain was like. Do you mean it's not snowing there? Lol 1 month for some badly needed beach and pool time?